Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,49

time we speak. What else?”

“I think we should talk to Solomon,” Scout said. “They should have been alerted, right? One of us attacking a human? Why didn’t it trigger their sigil?”

Logan had wondered the same thing.

“Because it isn’t revealing itself to the humans,” the oracle said through their earbuds. “It’s a gray area.”

“That makes sense,” Gideon said. “As long as the human isn’t aware that it’s something other than human, the hellhounds wouldn’t be alerted.”

“That seems like a very large gray area,” Logan said. “Scout, reach out to Solomon and see if he has any insight into this. We could use some outside info on incubus and succubus magic as well.”

“I’m on it,” Scout said.

“The second scene was similar,” Aleron said. “The attacker had to have known the club was there and that the stretch of road in front of the alley was frequented by late-night walkers heading home.”

“It was much more secluded than the first area as well, which is probably why runes weren’t needed.” Gideon added a few pictures from the printer to the wall. “These businesses aren’t open late, so the area was likely deserted at that time of night.”

“A lot of students live in that area,” Scout said. “It seems like that could be a common denominator as well.”

“Scout, I want you on campus for the next few days. See what you can sniff out. The rest of you rotate shifts with him. I don’t want you alone, you hear me? Focus on the scents and let whoever is with you take care of the rest.”

Scout nodded. “Got it.”

Of course, Logan’s next thoughts were of Bailey. The threat seemed to loom large around him, even though Logan couldn’t explain why. His wolf demanded Logan head back to Bailey’s side, and Logan couldn’t deny being very tempted.

He pushed away from the table and stood. “I need a run. My wolf is about to claw its way out of me. Report later and let me know if you find out anything useful.”

The team scattered, and Logan sat down at the table and stared at the wall for a little while.

“You going to explain how you knew to send us to that bar?” Logan asked once his team had moved out of earshot.

“I can’t reveal my sources,” the oracle said. “But they’re never wrong.”

“You think your sources can help us find this fucker before he hurts someone else?”

“If I thought so, I would have already handled it. Your frustration isn’t helping, Alpha. Go for a run. Commune with your wolf.”

Logan growled and started down the stairs. Scout met him at the bottom step.

“Let’s run,” Scout said.

Logan had no doubt Scout had questions about what he’d scented earlier, and he was polite enough not to mention it in front of the others. The warehouse sat in front of a large patch of undeveloped woods. Logan led Scout to the back door and began stripping out of his clothes. He propped the door open with a chunk of wood they left out back for this very purpose, and then shifted. Scout followed, and within moments, they’d begun racing at top speeds.

He had no doubt the run would settle Scout’s wolf, but as his thoughts drifted constantly to Bailey, Logan wondered if his own wouldn’t be content until he was back at the human’s side.



Bailey’s first thought when realizing Logan wasn’t at his house wasn’t a good one. His heart sank, and his mind went to dark and depressing places it hadn’t been in a while. He checked the obvious spaces for some sort of note, but Logan had simply left.

So much for the connection Bailey thought they’d formed. He laughed bitterly at his naïveté and climbed out of bed. After a quick, equally depressing shower, where Bailey washed off the sweat and other substances from his body while flinching at the marks Logan had left all over him, Bailey tugged on a pair of boxers and stared into the mirror.

He thought about giving himself a stern lecture. Instead, he grimaced and went into the kitchen and stood in front of the coffee maker.

“I’m such an idiot,” Bailey sighed.

Instead of wallowing, he grabbed his phone to call Ashley for an emergency breakfast run. That’s when he saw the message from Logan. “Work emergency. Will call when done.”

He let out a sigh of relief and laughed at the prickle of tears in his eyes. God, he was a mess. He always did this to himself. He should probably spend some money on therapy

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