Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,46

all over Bailey’s vulnerable belly. And then he rubbed it in. Again. Bailey’s stomach and chest were a sticky filthy mess, and Logan looked entirely too proud of himself.

And if that wasn’t enough, Logan then took his dirty hand and wiped it down his own chest. Bailey reached for him and tugged him down. Logan never broke eye contact as he moved closer. He nudged their noses together, then teased Bailey’s lips.

Bailey whimpered. He had no idea why, but the sound poured out of him. Logan ran his finger over Bailey’s lips, and it should have grossed him out. He knew exactly what that finger was covered with, but before he could even process it, Logan’s mouth was back on his, licking and nipping the combined taste of them away.

It was weird and wonderful, confusing, and the hottest thing that had ever been done to him. Bailey relaxed into Logan’s touches and the soft nipping kisses that continued long after their orgasms were over. He never wanted it to end.



The low buzz of Logan’s phone woke him from a sound sleep. Bailey was sprawled over the other half of the mattress, the covers pushed down to his hips. Logan stared at the pretty, pretty sight as he climbed out of bed and searched for his pants. He found them where he’d kicked them off, and managed to get the phone out of his pocket before the call went to voicemail.

His stomach dropped when he saw the caller’s name on the display.


“It’s Jamal.” The detective cleared his throat. “Detective James Alfred.”

The fae must have been extremely shaken to use his given name over his human one.

Logan tensed. “Yes, Detective?”

“There’s been another attack.”

Logan scooped up the rest of his clothes and went into the other room. “Where?” he asked as he quickly got dressed.

“The other side of town. The crime scene unit is working on the site, but is there any way your team could assist? We don’t have a great deal of others on the payroll here, and quite frankly, I’m not sure Officer Randell’s nose is as well-trained as yours.”

“Send me the address. We’ll be there soon.”

Logan finished dressing before returning to the bedroom. Bailey hadn’t budged. Logan debated waking him but knew the moment those big eyes were on him again he’d want to dive right back in for round three… or was it four? Logan leaned over and kissed the back of Bailey’s neck gently before leaving.

Logan put his earbud in once he got into the car. “Report.”

“I’m gathering information,” the oracle said. “They didn’t send the call out over dispatch. They’re trying to keep this one quiet.”

“Understood. The rest of the team?”

“Already notified. I took the address from your messages and sent it to them.”


“And Logan? The victim was male this time. From what I’ve gathered, it’s bad. I’ll keep you updated as I get more information. The victim is already en route to the hospital.”

Logan kept his focus on the road and got to the crime scene as quickly as he could. Detective Alfred met him outside the tape.

“What have you got?”

“Victim is male. Early twenties. Paramedics weren’t sure he’d make it. He was badly beaten and raped. We’re estimating the attack between three and five this morning. It took a while before anyone found him.”


The detective nodded. “This attack… it was different. The level of violence was much worse than before.”


Logan’s team arrived, and he had them spread out before he followed the detective into an alley. The scent of blood was heavy and thick in the air, as was the smell of the victim’s fear. Logan bit back his emotional response and focused his wolf on the details.

“What was he doing out here? Do we know?”

“Not yet. We found a backpack that belonged to him, so we’re contacting next of kin to see what we can find out.”

“There’s an underground club two blocks from there,” the oracle said. “The alley is between the club and the victim’s place of residence.”

“Send both addresses to my phone.”

“Already done.”

Logan shared the oracle’s information with the detective before sending Scout and Dasan to the club. Gideon and Coal went to the victim’s house. Aleron stayed with Logan at the scene.

“Damn,” Aleron said quietly. “You can feel the rage in the air hours later. He must have been furious.”

“He?” Logan asked. “We sure we’re dealing with a male?”

Aleron shook his head. “No, but this feels like male rage to me. It’s so odd, though. I’ve come across several incubi

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