Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,41

time to think about it with everything going on.”

Aleron cleared his throat, drawing Logan’s attention to the silence that had fallen in the rest of the room. He glanced over and found everyone staring at them.

“Is there a problem?”

“Oh no,” Joey said, “unless you consider the fact that you two are staring at each other with so much heat you’re setting my pants on fire. But, you know, I wouldn’t call that a problem, per se. Well, it’s a problem for me. Well, not exactly a problem. I mean, I can handle it, but—”

Heather clamped her hand over Joey’s mouth. “He’s thinking with his dick at the moment. We all know what that’s going to get him, don’t we?”

Ashley snorted. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except maybe a hand workout.”

Joey protested, but it came out muffled.

Bailey leaned closer to Logan. “Um. So, yeah. These are my friends?”

“Was there an actual question hiding there?”

Bailey’s lips tipped up in a tiny grin. “Nope. I’ve got nothing.”

“Me either. Can I please eat now? This soup smells like heaven.”

“Oh! Of course. Let me reheat it for you. Even though you claim cold soup is good, I promise you, you’re mistaken.”

“I never said warm soup wasn’t better. Just that cold soup isn’t bad. You’re twisting my words.”

Bailey full-on grinned. “You’re cute when you’re teasing me. And I didn’t think you could be any cuter.”

“I am not cute,” Logan scoffed. “I’m stunningly handsome.”

Bailey laughed before slapping his hands over his mouth.

“What’s funny?” Will asked.

“Bailey doesn’t think I’m stunningly handsome.”

“What? I never said that!”

Logan ignored the smack to his arm and mock-pouted.

“What is happening right now?” Gideon asked. “Someone has replaced Logan with this strange, happy, pod wol—uh, person.”

“He hasn’t snarled at me in over an hour,” Aleron whispered. “He’s clearly been kidnapped by aliens. We should run.”

Ashley laughed and leaned against Aleron’s arm. “He’s got Bailey-itis.”

“Is it contagious?”

“Pretty much,” Joey complained. “Depends on how bad of a case you get, though. Logan’s got it bad.”

Bailey ignored the teasing and pulled Logan’s soup out of the microwave in the break room. He buttered a couple of pieces of bread before putting it all on the table.

“Just for that, I’m not sharing any of the marinara sauce I made last weekend. I was planning a lasagna party, but I’d hate to give anyone Bailey-itis.”

“Lasagna?” Will whimpered. “But Bails, I didn’t say anything. Don’t punish me for their mistakes. It’s not fair.”

“I didn’t hear you defending me.”

Gideon leaned forward. “Um, I’m a fan of lasagna.”

“Good for you. Too bad only Logan’s going to get any.”

Joey spit out his soda and began coughing.

Logan sat down in front of his soup and tried very hard not to laugh.

“Any lasagna, you asshole!” Bailey’s blush intensified when he realized what he’d implied.

Logan leaned in and breathed in the heavenly scents coming from the bowl. He took a bite, making sure to get as much as he could on the spoon. The sound he made once it went in his mouth couldn’t be described as anything but filthy.

Everyone quieted and stared as he swallowed. “That’s… that’s…”

“Yeah, we know,” Joey said. “No one makes soup like our Bails.”

“How’d you do that?” Logan asked.

Bailey shrugged. “I put a couple extra containers in the freezer for you. I always make too much. And you four, pipe down. You already know I’ve got some for each of you as well.”

“We pitch in for groceries,” Ashley explained. “If you want in, let me know.”

Aleron immediately grabbed his wallet. A stack of hundred-dollar bills hit the table a second later. “Is that enough? I can get more.”

“Yeah, well, considering there is absolutely nothing in this entire kitchen worth eating, that might be enough,” Bailey complained. “Don’t you eat?”

“We order a lot of takeout,” Gideon explained.

“Wait, Bailey’s not going to job hunt this summer, and we’re in need of some TLC. What if you work for us, Bailey? Keep us fed and we’ll pay you well.”

Logan glanced up, his eyes flashing at Aleron as he made the offer. The griffin stilled, his smile frozen into place as he realized what he’d done. They couldn’t afford to forget that Bailey and his friends were human.

Hell, Logan needed the reminder more than most.

“It’s not a bad idea,” the oracle said in his ear. “He can’t be around during official training, but it would add an air of legitimacy to our company if we have a forward-facing employee, at least in the short-term.”

Logan tuned it all out and turned his attention to Bailey. “Ignore them. I

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