Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,34

seen Aleron’s many assorted extremely expensive vehicles. He’d grown immune to the griffin’s displays of wealth over the past few months working with him.

Will and Joey both stopped to gawk at the car, but Bailey and the girls walked over to him. They’d all dressed in workout gear, like Logan had suggested.

“Morning,” Logan said.

“Thanks for doing this,” Bailey said. “We appreciate it.”

His voice sounded a little strained, and both Ashley and Will smirked at him. Bailey wouldn’t meet his gaze, though, and Logan wondered what was going on.

“Whose car is this?” Joey asked. “Because I would totally blow him for a ride in it.”

Aleron appeared at Logan’s shoulder and beamed. “That’d be mine.”

Joey swallowed. The smell of arousal filled the air.

Logan rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to smack Aleron on the back of his head. No matter where they went or what they did, someone always wanted to pounce on him.

Of course, Joey wasn’t the only one.

Bailey bit his lip and looked at Logan with an unreadable expression on his face. That didn’t mean Logan didn’t know exactly what he was thinking from the scents pouring off him.

“H-hi,” Bailey said.

Ashley snickered.

“Good morning. Are you all ready to get to work?”

“Yes,” Bailey said. He glared at Ashley before turning back to Logan. “We appreciate you agreeing to help us.”

“We do,” Ashley said. “I really need to know what to do if something like this happens to me again.”

Unfortunately, if the incubus used its magic on her first, she wouldn’t be able to do much. It took root in a matter of seconds, but that still gave her a little time to get away. And that’s what Logan planned on teaching them today.

“Come on in, and I’ll introduce you to the rest of my team.”

They followed Logan inside and stared around the large open warehouse space. Logan had moved some of the barriers and placed large blue mats on the floor near the door. After introducing everyone, Logan had them pair up and scatter around the mats.

“First thing I want to say is that this is scary. I get it. I’m going to push you, because I have a feeling you want to be pushed, but if I’m wrong and you start getting uncomfortable or need a break, speak up. And no being macho men,” Logan said, staring down Bailey, Will, and Joey. “Breaks are good and necessary to process what you’re learning. Everyone with me?”

“Yes,” they chorused.

“Good. We’re starting with choke holds today, which is one of the most common forms of attack, and it can come in a variety of forms. If you can get out of each of these, you’ll be ahead of the game. Bailey, let’s demonstrate.”

Bailey faced him, and Logan gently placed his hands around Bailey’s throat.

“You have six seconds to get out of a choke hold before you lose consciousness. What do you do?”

Bailey immediately began tugging at Logan’s wrists, but even without him using his enhanced strength, Bailey couldn’t budge them. “And six. You’re out.”

“Holy crap,” Bailey said. “That was fast.”

“Yep.” Logan turned to the others. “Unless you happen to be a lot stronger than your attacker, you won’t be able to pull against them. There’s an easier way out. Watch. Bailey, grab my neck.”

Bailey did, and Logan adjusted his stance, putting his left foot slightly back. He ducked his head forward, swinging his head down and below Bailey’s arms, before pivoting and darting a few steps away.

Bailey stood there blinking at him in confusion. “How…?”

Logan grinned. “The weakest part of the grip is the thumbs. By pushing into the hold and down, you can break their grip and be gone before they realize what you’ve done. Now you try.”

Bailey stepped forward, and Logan took his neck again. After Logan directed him on now to position his feet, Bailey repeated the movement, moving down and away.

“Everyone get that? Good, now pair up and we’ll practice. I want you comfortable with the movements of this one before we go on to the next.”

They worked on the move until they’d all repeated it dozens of times. It would take dozens more until the muscle memory developed. Logan took a break from working with Bailey and watched the others practice before deciding they were ready to progress.

“Okay, for the next one, we’re going to do the from-behind choke hold.” Logan adjusted Bailey so his back was to Logan’s chest and looped his arm around Bailey’s throat. “Same rule. You have six seconds before you lose consciousness.

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