Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,15

side a fraction to show his respect. “Alpha.”

Logan glanced at the name badge on the guy’s chest and managed a polite nod. He truly loathed the politics that came with his role. “Call me Logan. What’s going on, Officer Randell?”

“We had a report of a disturbance here at the bar. The young lady claims you took off with her friends, but the, uh, guys say you just followed them home to make sure they were safe.”

“The guys are right.”

“I figured, once I got a whiff of you. I haven’t been around an alpha in a while. So you took Bailey home?”

Bailey. Why did this cop—this wolf—seem so familiar with Bailey?

“Yes,” Logan replied, trying not to sound as surly as he felt. “And Ashley stayed with him. I didn’t get her last name.”

“That’s all right. I know it. Went out with Heather a couple times. That’s why she called me. How about Ashley, though? Amiright? The rack on that—”

“Is there anything else, Officer?”

“Oh, right. Yeah, I need to know what happened to Ashley. She drink too much? She does that after a show sometimes, so I figured Heather was freaking out over nothing. Although I didn’t know she and Bailey were a thing. He’s not exactly in her league.”

Logan took a step forward. “Pardon me?”

Randell took a step back. “What? You got a thing for Ashley? Sorry, man. Tough break. Although, come on. She’ll get tired of Bailey fast. I mean, come on, he’s not even that hot. One look from you and she’ll drop him.”

The guy was taking his life into his own hands. Scout appeared by Randell’s shoulder. He widened his eyes for a moment to let Logan know he realized Randell was seconds away from losing his life.

Scout distracted Randell and led him back to where Will, Joey, and Heather waited. Heather sent Logan a death glare, and he sent her one right back. She flinched and looked away.

He had no idea why his emotions were so all over the place. Maybe he’d gotten a little too close to the incubus and it affected him too. That had to be it.

Luckily for Logan’s temper, Dasan stepped out of the shadows and approached. The martial eagle shifter was one of Logan’s biggest challenges as a leader. Not because Dasan was loud or difficult; no, the opposite was true.

Dasan carried himself like a member of nobility. He usually dressed in dark, somber colors and had an air of sadness to him that Logan empathized with deeply. But Dasan was an incredible warrior with a fierce intelligence, and he fought with such deliberate precision that even Logan found it difficult to best him when they sparred.

“What do you need?” Dasan asked. His gaze flicked around the area, and Logan had no doubt he’d captured details the rest of them had missed.

“Scout didn’t get anything on the scent trail,” Gideon said softly. “It’s like it simply vanished. You’re thinking incubus?”

“Or succubus,” Logan replied.

“Dangerous creatures,” Dasan rumbled. “And normally not capable of subterfuge.”

“I don’t have a lot of experience with them,” Logan said. “I can try to track it myself and see if I have better luck.”

“I’ll assist.” Dasan moved to Logan’s side, and together they made their way toward the entrance of the bar.

Unfortunately, that’s where Scout had led Officer Randell. His nose flared again as he scented the air, and his eyes widened when he turned to Dasan.

“Who are you?”

Dasan smiled politely. “Dasan Westcott. Good evening, Officer.”

Randell rudely sniffed the air again.

Logan couldn’t help but smirk. Martial eagles weren’t exactly run-of-the-mill shifters. He doubted the young cop would have ever had an opportunity to see one. Dasan held his ground, and his expression didn’t change. Randell continued to size him up, unable to identify exactly what he was.

The slight sound of wings above them alerted Logan to Coal’s arrival. Randell heard as well and glanced up. “Holy fucking shit, is that a—”

“What?” Heather asked. “What’s wrong?”

Randell blinked, and his heart began to race. He looked around in a panic before Dasan saved the day once more.

“I believe the young officer noticed the shooting star. Did you happen to see it, young lady?”

She wrinkled up her nose at his polite tone. “No.”

“That’s too bad. You could have made a wish.”

If Logan hadn’t seen it with his own two eyes, he wouldn’t have believed Dasan could be so charming. Heather smiled and shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t believe in that.”

“You’re entirely too young to have given up believing in fairy tales,” Dasan said.

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