Living with the Dead - By Kelley Armstrong Page 0,39

a few years, he might even surpass Martha.

Being able to communicate through speech made him already more useful than Martha. There was no real secret to using his powers. If he granted a clairvoyant access, they could use him. But getting that permission was harder than it might seem.

Here was where Thom and Colm differed. Colm tripped over his feet trying to help others. Thom was mule-stubborn, and when pushed where he didn’t want to go, he’d throw a tantrum, locking down his powers, refusing access to everyone.

Fortunately for Adele, though, she’d discovered that Colm and Thom shared something else in common, though it was probably less related to genetics than to teenage hormones. The moment she stepped into view, Thom’s sweatpants tented.

She walked over and bent to rub him through the fabric. He made a noise in his throat, like the rough purr of a cat, again reminding her of his brother.

“How are you today, sweetie?” she asked. “Miss me?”

He arched his hips in answer and reached for her shirt front, balling it in his fist and lifting.

She laughed and slapped his hand away. “Not yet.”

The purr hardened to a snarl, Thom’s eyes narrowing.

“Oh, all right,” she said. “Just a little.”

She slid her hand into his pants and stroked him. He closed his eyes, that rough purr returning. After a minute, she dropped her fingers to his balls and fondled them.

“Please, sweetie? I really need your help.”

One blue eye opened, his lips curving in a smug smile. Thom might be slow, but he had an animal cunning and an ego his little brother lacked. She had to deal fairly with him and let him know how special he was, how much she needed his help and how grateful she’d be for it.

In the beginning, she’d tried to toy with him, as she did Colm. It didn’t work. When she’d realized she’d need to follow through, she’d been repulsed by the thought, only her ambition propelling her through those first few times. But she’d gotten used to him, to the point where, if she was being honest, she didn’t mind at all.

She’d been well rewarded. It was Thom who’d made her training assignment with Portia Kane such a success. Whenever she’d been unable to get a lock on Portia, she would come to Thom and he’d show her where she was. While Lily struggled with her first assignment, Adele had shot past her, impressing the phuri. Everyone agreed that Adele was the most powerful clairvoyant they’d had in years. Fat lot of good it did her—still destined to wed a boy five years her junior, still given the lousiest—if most profitable—assignments . . .

Yet again it was Thom who saved her. He had, albeit inadvertently, provided her with the treasure that would buy her way out of the kumpania. Now he’d help her safeguard that dream by finding Robyn Peltier.

She settled onto Thom’s lap and handed him Robyn’s shirt and photo. He held them a moment, then let out a derisive snort.

“Oh, it’s too easy for you, is it? I’m sooo sorry. Next time I’ll bring you a tough one.” She reached down to squeeze his cock. “You’re just too good, sweetie. You know that, don’t you?”

He didn’t answer. He rarely did. She rubbed him, listening to him purr. When she tried to stop, he held her hand in place, making a warning noise deep in his throat. She only laughed and complied for another minute. One final squeeze, then she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning toward his ear.

“Can I see, sweetie? Please?”

A grunt. Adele closed her eyes and concentrated. After a couple of minutes, the darkness cleared. This was the true gift of the seers. They could not only see better and farther, but project those visions to other clairvoyants.

Again, Adele saw Robyn Peltier. Still at that damned computer.

“Show me more,” she whispered. “Help me find her.”

With an ease that made Adele ache with envy, Thom pulled his mental eye back and panned the room.

“Slow down,” she said, as she took it all in, making mental notes. Then, “Okay, take me outside.”

They passed through the door into a parking lot. Adele guided him to the front of the office, noting the name and address.

“That was exactly what I needed,” she murmured, lips to his ear. “You’re too good, you know that?”

A hoarse chuckle. He knew it very well. And he knew what was coming.

She stood and pulled off her shirt.


When Robyn saw a shadow pass the drawn Copyright 2016 - 2024