Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,97


He fought back the anger that swelled at the N-word. If she wasn’t careful, he was going to strangle her pretty little throat.

“Good thing I like nerds.” She dropped a kiss on his forehead and climbed off him. “Tell me more about your game,” she said as she stepped into a miniscule red thong.

She really wanted to know how much money he would make once he sold his game. Her transparency pissed him off. Did she think he didn’t realize the only reason they’d fucked was because he’d told her he had money? Finding a woman to sleep with had always been an uphill battle. If he’d known lying about his net worth would bag him a beautiful woman so fast, he’d have started doing it years ago.

“It’s a kill-or-be-killed commando warrior game.” Pride made his chest full as he spoke about it.

“Aren’t there like a thousand of those already?” She fastened the front clasp of her bra and he wanted to wrap it around her neck until she couldn’t breathe.

“Not like mine,” he gritted out.

She had the fucking nerve to grin at him. “Don’t get pissed. I’m a girl. I don’t know anything about boys and their video games except for what I see on TV. It’s all blood and violence.” She shuddered. “Yuck.” She reached for her tight jeans and her phone rang. She snatched it from the desk, checked the screen and answered. “Hey! Where are you?” She put an index finger in the air and mouthed one minute. “I haven’t talked to you in days! Who the hell does this guy think he is? I can’t tell you how much I hate this whole—” She stopped abruptly. “But Julie—”

Allen sat up, every nerve alert. Julie was on the phone. His heart slammed against his ribs.

“You tell Troy that I don’t give a shit. Your family and friends have a right to know where you are.” She listened some more.

Troy? Who the hell was Troy? Did Julie have a boyfriend? She’d been single all this time and now when he was so close to her, she’d found a boyfriend? A wave of jealous anger washed through him.

Carrie Ann didn’t get to rant anymore because whatever Julie said shut her up.

“I’m calling you later!” she finally said before punching her screen and stepping into her jeans.

“How’s Julie?” he asked. No reason to beat around the bush. Besides Carrie Ann looked like she was halfway out the door.

“She’s fine. If fine is letting some asshole drag you across the country. So fucking stupid,” she mumbled. “So, am I going to see you tonight?” She zipped up and tossed a sexy little top over her head.

“I don’t know. Wait, go back. What are you talking about? Who’s dragging her where?” He didn’t like the sound of this. He leaned on an elbow, hoping his questions seemed casual.

She adjusted the straps over her shoulders. “His name is Troy and I’ll bet you money he thinks that taking Julie cross-country on a solo trip is going to get him into her pants.”

Allen’s mouth went dry and his pulse pounded. “What do you think?”

“I think there’s good chance he’s right, and it’s the last thing I want for her. She deserves someone with more.”

“More what?” Allen asked.

“More clout. More money. More everything.” She dug her feet into her four-inch platform shoes. “God she makes me mad. You didn’t answer me. Am I going to see you tonight?”

He agreed. Julie did deserve more. And he could give it to her. But he had to finish this game with Carrie Ann first. “I’m not sure I’m available. I’ve got meetings.” He needed a break from her. His dick might’ve wanted to play last night, but this morning, it was frickin’ sore.

She threw out her lower lip in a sad pucker. “You’re not giving me the brush-off, are you?” She shook her head and narrowed her gaze at him. “That would not be wise. I am a woman who gets what she wants.”

“Is that so?” He forced a smile. The more she talked the less he wanted to be around her. It was very similar to the way he felt about his mother.

She licked her lips very slowly. If she meant to turn him on, she got it all wrong. “You’re going to miss me when I go.”

He doubted it. “I miss you already.”

She swiped her bag from the chair in the corner and backed up toward the door. “I’ll talk to you later after my Copyright 2016 - 2024