Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,87

instructions to open the house for the workers that have to fix the garage.” He folded his big arms across his muscled chest and looked down at her like he owned the property. “And you?”

That condescending look of his rubbed her the exact wrong way. “I work for Julie. I told her I’d be able to meet the workers when they got here, but I had a conflict and couldn’t come early. That changed.” She spread her hands wide. “So I’m here.” She folded her arms across her chest and mimicked his stance. She could play this game too. He’d obviously found the hidden house key in the backyard. Julie, Elena, Carrie Ann and she were the only ones who knew about it. So who told this guy? “How did you know where to find the key?”

Blake looked around the neighborhood and sighed. “Can we do this inside? It’s about a hundred and twelve out here.”

He was right. The sun beat down mercilessly and perspiration already dripped between her breasts, but Abbey didn’t know if she wanted to be alone with him. She didn’t have enough information yet. “First tell me how you knew where the key was.”

He exhaled a huff of air. “Troy told me. This morning. Over the phone. Are you happy now?” He spread his arms wide. “Can we go in?”

“Troy?” Abbey asked. A new wave of clarity crashed in her head. She’d met Blake at the hospital when he must have been visiting Troy. “How do you know Troy?”

“He’s my...friend,” he said, clearing his throat. “He’s a friend of mine.”

Abbey narrowed her eyes. Why would Troy be hanging out with a guy so much younger than himself? Something was off about this. “A friend. Right.”

“C’mon,” Blake said, gesturing back to the house. “I’m under orders to move anything near the garage door back toward the interior to give the guys space.”

That made a little bit of sense.

Abbey shook off her panic and headed for the house. “God, you scared the absolute crap out of me,” she admitted.

“Sorry,” he said, opening the front door. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you okay from the tackle?”

She rotated her sore shoulder and glared at him. “I’m fine.”

“Look, I wasn’t expecting you either. I was thinking, what were the chances that I’d be here to catch Julie’s stalker.”

Turning on him in the entryway, Abbey caught his eye. “How do you know about her stalker?”

He made a face and shrugged. “How else? Troy told me.”

Abbey scowled. This was all very convenient. “It’s not his place to talk about Julie’s life to you.”

One of Blake’s eyebrows lifted. “Maybe not, but he seems pretty serious when it comes to protecting her and if calling me to help out keeps her protected, then I think he’s allowed.”

Abbey’s perfect posture went for shit. She felt like a world-class bitch. She covered her face with her hands. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Residual fear manifested itself in her chest and a knot lodged in her throat. She would not cry. She would not cry. It seemed every time she was around this guy she had a panic attack.

“You okay under there?” His voice was low and soft, and Abbey clenched her jaw to keep her chin from wobbling. She nodded.

Gently, he took her wrists and pried them apart and away from her face. The empathy in his eyes made her feel two inches tall. Before she had a chance to run away, he pulled her into a hug. “I am so sorry I scared you. Really. I had no idea it was you. I didn’t even know you worked for Julie.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I was just getting it in my head that you weren’t ever going to call or email me.”

Ugh. Not that. “I lost that slip of paper you gave me.”

His face brightened. “You did?” He sighed. “Thank God. My self-esteem took a real boot to the head.”

Abbey laughed. She couldn’t help it. His infectious grin had her cheeks heating up. She’d just avoid telling him that after staring at his contact information it had taken her the better part of six weeks to decide to email him. Then she’d promptly lost the information. Brilliant.

“Been in any elevators lately?” he asked.

“Not a one. You?”

He shook his head. “Nope. They’re off my diet. I’m good with the stairs for the next long while. So, where’s the door to the garage? I should get to work.”

“It’s this way,” Abbey said, leading Copyright 2016 - 2024