Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,82

enough trouble in the last day. I don’t want her to worry if there’s any damage. I’ll cover anything.” He couldn’t stop the wide smile that spread across his face. “I’m right about your name, aren’t I?”

She finally grinned at him and nodded. “Yeah. You caught me. Carrie Ann.” She scrunched her face into a pucker. “You really liked the movie?”

“Loved it. I don’t know what all the fuss was about. I thought it was great.”

The smile she gave him could’ve melted wax. Allen’s pleasure with his deception made his insides bubble with glee.

“Is Julie here?” he asked, looking over her shoulder into the house, knowing full well Julie wasn’t there.

“Uh, no. No, not at the moment.”

“Well maybe it’s for the best if there was a slide. After everything she’s been through, this is the last thing she needs.”

Carrie Ann finally opened the door wider and ushered him in. He looked around the spacious house, barely able to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. It was gorgeous. Just like the woman. The big slate entryway welcomed him and he’d never felt more at home. It was too bad she had the place up for sale. He could see living here with her, spending lazy mornings making love in front of the big fireplace in the living room.

“The yard is this way,” Carrie Ann said, leading him through the house. The slate gave way to thick cream carpeting that didn’t have one spot of a stain anywhere. The open floor plan showed off the combined giant den and living room areas. They passed through a formal dining room and went out French doors to the backyard where a narrow lap pool took up most of the yard beneath the hill. Carrie Ann scanned the yard. “I don’t see a slide.”

The upper part of the hill consisted of thick brush and trees. A big slide could bring it all down in Julie’s backyard, but a small one could go unnoticed if the brush stopped it.

“What a relief,” Allen said. “I’m sure glad she won’t have this to worry about.” He strolled around the patio and fingered the hummingbird feeder that still had a sticker on it. “I just love how cozy this place is. I can see it from my balcony.”

Carrie Ann eyed him. “What did you say your name was again?”

He opened his eyes wide. “You know... I don’t think I even told you.” Allen sounded too formal and he wanted to be the neighborly guy next door. He put his hand out. “I’m Al.” He should come up with a good last name, something to get this lady interested. “Al Gates. You’ve probably heard of my cousin Bill. He gets a lot of press.” Allen laughed at his joke and when Carrie Ann’s eyes bugged out wide, Allen’s pleasure doubled.

“I’m not nearly as successful as him.” Allen looked shyly away. He needed a big job, something to warrant the mansion under renovation on the hill. “My video games are about to go global. They’re in the final stages of testing. But once they’re released, my cousin’s going to have a run for his money.” He laughed and she laughed with him.

She took his hand and led him inside. “I can’t believe Julie’s never told me about you.”

“We’ve only talked a couple of times since I bought the place a few months ago. I figured I should introduce myself since I’m right on top of her.” He laughed again and widened his eyes. “Well, that didn’t come out right!”

Carrie Ann laughed again. “You’re funny. I knew what you meant.”

“Anyway we’re both so busy. But with the renovations, I’ve been having trouble with my watering system. Every time I fix a leak, I find another one, and it’s making the ground soft and I’m getting these little slides, so...” He shrugged as if that explained it all and Carrie Ann nodded knowingly. Anyone who ever spent anytime near a canyon home knew the possibilities.

“Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.

Allen put his palms up. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

“It’s no bother. Let’s see what she’s got in the fridge.” She led the way into the kitchen and Allen was floored again at the absolute beauty surrounding him. Granite countertops gleamed among stainless steel appliances and redwood cabinets. Maybe he could persuade Julie that with him here, she wouldn’t have to move. He’d protect her against anyone and anything.

Carrie Ann opened the fridge door. “Iced tea. Cranberry juice, Copyright 2016 - 2024