Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,74

y’all. Have a nice evenin’.” Even though it was nearly three in the morning.

Troy quickly closed the door behind them and flipped on a light. The odor of strong cleanser didn’t quite mask the stale scent of the room. Dark maroon carpeting covered the floor and navy comforters blanketed the beds. Troy tossed his duffel bag on the chair in the corner and her suitcase on the luggage stand next to the dresser. The furniture barely fit in the small space. She hadn’t even considered the possibility of two rooms, but looking at two double beds made her wonder if that’s all they’d had available or if he didn’t want a repeat performance of last night.

“For your own safety, I think you should avoid interacting with people.”

Julie faced him. “So, I’m supposed to cower and hide for the next two weeks even though I’m not anywhere near someone who wants to kill me.”

“I didn’t say cower. Hiding isn’t bad.” He looked stone-cold serious.

Suddenly all the fight drained out of her. She dropped her bag on the dresser, yanked her pillow from his arms and tossed it on the bed closest to the door.

He snagged it up just as quickly. “You’re in this bed.” He lofted the pillow on the bed deeper in the room.

“Because...?” She really wanted to hear this answer.

“Because if someone tries to get in I’m closer to the door.”

“You don’t honestly think someone’s going to come after us, do you? I mean, it’s not as if anyone followed us to Vegas. I’m assuming you would’ve realized if someone had been following you. Especially since you drove here at the speed of light.”

That got her another smile. “Let’s just get in the habit, okay? Make me happy.”

She thought she’d made him happy last night, but maybe not if he seriously expected them to sleep in two different beds tonight. It was like taking a shot to the solar plexus. He got her right where it counted. Her self-esteem.

She took an unsteady step toward the bed and the pressure on her thigh made it scream in pain.

Without missing a beat, Troy snatched her up in his arms and laid her down on her bed. “I’ll get the pain meds the doctor gave you.” He rooted through her pack and came out with the prescription bottle.

Julie hated taking anything, but she swallowed the pill with a few chugs from a bottle of water Troy handed her. The doctor had told her to stay ahead of the pain and since this was still day one, she saw no reason to ignore that order. “You sure thought of everything,” she said to avoid talking about the giant sex elephant in the room. “Water, snacks, my pillow and blanket. You probably have a quartet stuffed in your bag know, for a little ambiance music.”

“No quartets.” He bracketed her with strong arms once she made herself comfortable against the headboard. “Look, I know this place isn’t the Ritz.”

“Or the Venetian,” she deadpanned.

“Or the Venetian,” he repeated. “But you know if you’re spotted, then the word is out and all this is for nothing. I’m not letting this guy get to you.” His words landed with definite promise in the quiet room. He looked so serious, so intent.

She stroked her thumb lightly down his cheek. “Why are you doing this? Going so far out of your way for me.” Maybe she wasn’t the only one who felt the connection between them, but the wall he’d erected still had her wondering if he wanted mental distance. She had offered him a job, so maybe he’d just changed his mind and forgot to tell her. That kind of made sense on a weird, I haven’t exactly hired you level.

“I like you.” He said the words simply. Softly. His gaze roamed from her eyes to her mouth and back to her eyes. “When you called today. When I heard the panic in your voice, I...”

He looked away.

“You what?” she whispered. She had to know.

He met her gaze. “I freaked out. I know I don’t have any rights to you or hold over you after one night, but I still panicked. If I can do something that’s going to keep you alive, then I’m going to do it. If that means keeping you under wraps and going underground then I’m going to do that too.”

She wanted to kiss him so bad. Wanted to feel his arms around her and forget the horror of the day. “Are you really Copyright 2016 - 2024