Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,61

than enough money to last her several lifetimes, so she’d told her team to look for challenging parts, not necessarily the money ones. They still expected her to do a major film every year or two because they all wanted their cut. She understood how the business worked. She was a commodity and people counted on her for their living, but that didn’t mean she had to sacrifice her whole soul. She’d worked hard to reach this point in her career and no one told her how to live her life. Sure, she was America’s Sweetheart, but she’d learned when it came to business to speak her mind and stand her ground. Too bad she didn’t have the same ability when it came to her love life.

“I looked over the contract,” Elena said, handing over the large manila envelope as they stood at the front door. “It looks good to me.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Julie debated telling her about Troy but decided not to get her mother’s hopes up. “I know you’re tight on time. I just told Steve I’d drop it off ASAP. I should’ve gotten it from you days ago. He is one laid-back associate producer. I feel bad for making him wait.”

Her mom waved her off. “I told him he’d have it by the end of the week, sweetie. Nothing to worry about. And I’m not in that big a hurry to go.”

“Give Uncle Brian my love. Tell him happy birthday from me.” It would be a nice birthday gift if his cancer stayed in remission.

“You know I will.” Elena hugged her and checked her watch. “I’d better hit the road. I still need to get gas.” She opened the front door. “The AC is sputtering out on my car so I think I can count on a fairly miserable drive.”

“What? Are you nuts? You can’t drive to Arizona without AC. You’ll bake. You could fly there. There’s a good chance your plane won’t crash.” Her mother avoided planes whenever possible. “It didn’t when you flew the last time.”

Elena shuddered. “I got lucky. Besides, you know me, I like to cruise with the stereo blasting.”

“Then you should take my car,” Julie said as they walked outside. “This is the perfect time to see what you’re missing.” She’d been trying to persuade her mother for years to get rid of the gas-guzzling old-model Mercedes for something more fuel-efficient.

“I couldn’t take your car all the way to Arizona.” But Elena stopped and tipped her head to the side. “Could I?”

This was the first inclination Julie ever had that her mother might even consider driving something other than her Benz and she pounced on the indecision.

“Of course you can! C’mon, it’s loaded to the gills. I’ve got Sirius radio, GPS, Bluetooth. Hell, the car practically brushes my teeth if I ask it to. You’ll love it, Mom. Please, take my car and I’ll use your Benz. It’ll cost you half the amount to fill up and it’ll take you twice as far.” Julie wasn’t sure about that fact, but it sounded good and she really wanted her mother out of that old car. Despite making great money working as Julie’s manager, Elena still saw no reason to trade something in if it worked right. Maybe now that the AC was on the fritz, she’d consider an upgrade.

“It would be nice not to worry about filling up that often,” Elena hedged. “Not to mention having air conditioning.” She twisted her lips in that way the Fraser women did when deciding something. “You sure you wouldn’t mind? I hate that I’d be taking your car. I’ll be gone for almost a week.”

“What do I care? I’m not going anywhere. I’m just reading scripts this week, working out... You know, the usual drill in between films. You should take it and see if you’re ready to get your own. Twenty bucks says you fall in love and buy a hybrid the second you get back.”

Elena lifted an eyebrow—another Fraser trait that had rubbed off on Julie—and looked skeptical. “You’re on.” She stuck out her hand and they shook on the bet.

Together they moved Elena’s luggage into the Prius, which was still in the garage. She’d been in the car enough times to know how it worked, and Julie watched her excitement build as the idea grew on her.

Julie went inside and got her keys as Elena tossed her purse in the passenger seat through the open driver’s window. They swapped keys and Elena got behind Copyright 2016 - 2024