Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,52

and solid?

He’d never jeopardized his work before, had never had the inclination. How could he start now? Until he talked to Sophia and quit, he couldn’t act on his impulse. It would be unethical. Completely wrong. And once he walked out the door, his chance at spending time with this woman disappeared like one of Copperfield’s illusions. Ultimately, he knew what he had to do. Knew it with a certainty that crushed him like the weight of an avalanche. He turned, put his hand on the knob and opened the front door.

Chapter Ten

Julie refused to cry. She stared out the giant picture window overlooking the backyard and absolutely refused to cry over a guy she barely knew. At least not until he’d left her house, at which point, there did exist a chance she’d break down like a teenager after her first heartbreak. Which was disturbingly ridiculous.

She was old-fashioned. With the exception of work, she dated a guy before kissing him. Yet a few minutes ago she’d had no qualms kissing this man like her life depended on it. What the hell was that all about? Just because he’d saved her life—on multiple occasions—didn’t mean she had to take him bed.

She just wanted to take him to bed.

He was such a contradiction. Tonight, dressed in all-black, he struck her as the ultimate bad boy, but every one of his actions had painted him as a good guy.

The door closed, and in spite of her anger, tears stung her eyes before slipping down her cheeks. She bowed her head and let them fall.

What was wrong with her? She was a twenty-seven-year-old Hollywood A-list movie star, and she didn’t have a boyfriend and couldn’t get the guy she liked to sleep with her. Sure, she’d made the choice years ago to be particular about who she wanted to be with. She wanted a regular guy. Someone who—preferably—knew nothing about show business. Someone who had his own money and didn’t care about hers. Somebody strong enough and with enough confidence to deal with her fame without letting it affect the way he treated her.

Was that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

A sob broke free and she turned to get a tissue from the corner end table.

Troy still stood by the front door and she nearly jumped a mile at his looming presence. He hadn’t left. Her heart skipped a couple of beats, then pounded triple time. Blood rushed to her cheeks. He didn’t try to hide the combination of confusion and wonder on his face. As if the sight of tears had rendered him deaf, dumb and blind.

Julie felt sliced open wide for the whole world to see. But the only person watching moved toward her steadily, a look of determination taking over his features as she stood rooted in place. She didn’t know what to say or where to go.

“Goddammit,” he swore softly as he stepped in close. He cupped her face in his hands. Wiped her tears with his thumbs, then bent his head and kissed her. This kiss couldn’t have been more different than the first. The first kiss had rocked her. This kiss scared the hell out of her. He took his time, brushed his mouth tenderly across hers, coaxed her lips apart with a gentle tongue and teased her with soft licks and little nibbles. She breathed in his faint spicy aftershave and let him take her mouth.

Her knees went weak. Her insides turned to mush.

She set her hands on his forearms, intending to push him away. She shouldn’t let him kiss her. Shouldn’t let him think he could play push me/pull me with her emotions and get away with it, but instead she hung on as her heart warred with the joy of having him kiss her versus her pitiful lack of dignity.

Why had he stayed after all?

More important, did she care?

She’d liked him from the beginning. From the moment he skidded next to her on the red carpet while bullets were flying. He’d risked his life for her on more than one occasion. That had to count for something in a moment like this when she very nearly shoved him back.

He felt her tension. She knew it when he pulled away a fraction and studied her face. She hadn’t put her arms around him or kissed back. Allowing the kiss hadn’t made her a partner in it and he clearly realized it.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I don’t ever want to be the cause of your tears. Not Copyright 2016 - 2024