Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,32

and timing.

“Carrie Ann and I have been through a lot. We both understand the business. Besides, she works all the time. If she doesn’t do your film, she’ll work on someone else’s.”

“But we both know the Academy will love my film. It has everything they look for in a best picture.”

Ari did love to toot his own horn. She imagined Ari and Leo Frost duking it out in the ring for least humble. And the winner is...

“You’re right. It is a great script. Look, it’s just us, Ari. Either tell me I got it or tell me I didn’t. I can take whatever you have to dish out.”

“You’ve hit on my dilemma,” he said, leaning forward. “I had some trouble with the financing and had to do some last minute—how you say—finagling. My new partners are not sold that you are the one to play Elizabeth.”

Julie tried not to let the news depress her too much. Her mother was definitely right. She’d grown a big head in the last few years. She hadn’t even hit thirty and already her star was beginning to sputter out.

She inwardly rolled her eyes. Her mother would’ve smacked her for that last thought, especially since Julie hadn’t gone into this business for the fame.

“I can’t control what your new investors want so I guess I’ll have to wait for the decision like everyone else.” She got up from her chair. “Can I get you something to eat or drink or did you have to be going?”

Her mother would’ve smacked her again for the rudeness. But Julie wanted him out of her house. Hell, maybe she’d be better off pulling her name out of the hat completely. But she really did want to sink her teeth into this amazing character.

Ari checked his watch. “I do have to leave, but thank you for meeting with me.”

Julie had no idea what he’d accomplished in person that he couldn’t have told her over the phone, which only led her back to her original assessment. Ari was coming over for a quick fuck as he dangled the coveted role in front of her and since she’d given him a resounding no, he had nothing to do but make up an excuse to leave.

She opened her front door and instead of walking through, Ari stopped right in front of her. Too closely in front of her. He put his hands on her arms and leaned close. Julie stiffened and pulled back slightly at her loss of personal space. He stood only a few inches taller than her, but she’d never felt more cornered.

“You and I,” Ari began. “We are much alike. We have standards and principles.”

Julie held back her snort of laughter and just watched him.

“You make me consider things I don’t normally consider,” he told her.

Like being faithful? But she couldn’t say it out loud.

Ari caught her by surprise and kissed her on the lips. Not a passionate kiss, but he planted one and kept his lips on hers for two seconds too long. He pulled back just as she was about to push him away.

“I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”

“You do that.” She forced a smile before closing the door behind him with a hard thud, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Chapter Seven

Troy leaned back against the headrest of his BMW as Ari’s limo—parked only three cars in front of him—pulled away from the curb. He set his camera on the passenger seat and closed his eyes. Damn. Why’d he have to see it up close and personal? He hated this job. More than any job he’d ever had in his life. He hated Sophia Nepali for hiring him and paying so much goddamned money, and he hated Julie Fraser for having an affair with Ari.

The proof was in the pictures. He’d snapped four of them. Four perfect pictures of Ari kissing Julie.

Yeah, he hated this job.

Of course, it was a quick visit as far as fucking went, but he’d seen it before. Get in and get out. Literally. Maybe Ari had someplace to be.

Maybe Troy should just quit. He could give Sophia her money back and leave Hollywood altogether. But starting over now held very little appeal. Besides, he was as far away from home as he could get and he wanted to stay that way.

His cell phone rang and yanked him back to the present. He pulled it out of his pocket, checked the screen.


Wasn’t that interesting? Damn his pulse Copyright 2016 - 2024