Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,25

enjoyed making an entrance, they were arriving when the party was in full swing. Noise and music drifted in the light wind and proved the Hollywood party was a success.

This marked his first day back with Ari. It had been a great six-week reprieve when Ari’s movie had been postponed and he’d gone back to London to be with Sophia. Sophia had given Troy a retainer to ensure his help when Ari arrived back in the States. He’d had nothing for too many years so he’d never been good at saying no to free money.

Even though he knew no one was out to do Ari harm, Sophia had persuaded her husband otherwise, so Troy played the part of the watchful bodyguard. He hated the role. But a job was a job and aside from pretending to be someone he wasn’t, this proximity to Ari made finding the truth about his fidelity that much easier.

He walked with Ari into the swank high-tech house with its glass windows and steel beams, travertine tile and plush furniture. The decibel level doubled as people laughed and chatted in full party mode. He glanced around the crowded room and recognized a handful of famous faces. Some he could put names to and others just looked familiar. His gaze stopped on the honey-blond-haired woman near a grand piano in the corner. He couldn’t see her face, but he knew without a doubt whose back he was staring at. Hip-hugger black slacks outlined her perfect ass and gave her long legs a clean line. Black fuck-me stilettos gave her an extra four inches. Her black shirt crisscrossed to reveal lines of smooth, pale skin. Troy stood mesmerized, waiting for her to turn, waiting for the moment when he’d see her face again.

Like him, she’d been able to ditch the bandages and her left arm seemed to be working fine as she sipped her drink, then laughed at what someone said to her. Ari had moved deeper into the room and Troy stayed near the front door. He’d intended to go back to the car after checking out the interior, but instead, his feet wouldn’t budge.

Ari made a beeline to Julie. She shifted, saw him coming and Troy noticed the second of dread on her face before she covered it with a smile. She turned, hugged Ari and glanced around the room. She spotted Troy and couldn’t hide the shock. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in a small gasp.

Seeing her was like watching the sun rise after months of darkness. A warm glow settled in his gut and a half grin curved his lips. But she did he oddest thing. She scowled at him.

Ari pulled away and she focused on their conversation. They chatted and she actually shifted so that she wouldn’t see Troy over Ari’s shoulder. What was that about?

Now he refused to go back to the car. Not until he talked to her. Fifteen of the longest minutes of his life passed before Ari moved on and Julie went into another room. If she meant to get away from him, she’d have to do better than that.

Troy stayed to the edge of the room and made his way into the next, another large room full of partygoers. He saw her just as she eased through the sliding doors to the balcony.


* * *

Julie took a deep breath of the cool night air. She needed it to clear her head. House lights spotted the dark canyon as she gazed out. She hadn’t expected to see Ari and she really hadn’t expected to see Troy Mills. It had taken her this many weeks to stop thinking about him and now he’d shown up with Ari.

He’d never told her who employed him and like an idiot, she’d assumed wrong. Now she realized he wasn’t security for the Sporties. He worked for Ari.

The whoosh of the slider doors behind her made her sigh. She’d have liked a little time to herself, but at a party this crowded, it was virtually impossible.

“How’s the back and the arm feeling?”

She closed her eyes as Troy’s voice melted over her senses. Why did she have it so bad for this guy?

“Really?” she asked, turning to face him. “I’m a little surprised you want to know.” She sounded bitchier than she’d ever been in her life and she didn’t like it. The hurt she’d felt at him leaving without saying goodbye had turned into anger. “I’m sorry,” she said, slapping a muzzle on Copyright 2016 - 2024