Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,146

gracious as humanly possible. She looked at Cal for a little help.

“Jules, this is Al. He told me he’s your neighbor. Al, meet Julie Fraser.”

“H-hi,” he said.

A neighbor? She definitely did not recognize this guy from her block. If Julie hadn’t been so happy to see Cal, she might’ve strangled her for bringing along a stranger.

“I realized on the trip here that Al is short for Allen.” Cal’s tone indicated something more.

Allen. The notes and bouquets sprang to mind. Was this the Allen she’d been running from? The police still hadn’t determined if A was Allen or if the two were related.

“But I discovered something else on the way here,” Cal continued. She sounded different than her usual snappy self. The conniving tone to her voice set Julie on edge even more. “Hold this, will you.” Cal gave the cake to Allen, who took it blindly as he continued to stare right at her. “You see...I discovered that Allen sent you two beautiful flower arrangements. One in the hospital and one when you got home.”

Julie’s mind spun as Cal glanced at her with a wicked smile. She’d run three thousand miles, and one phone call to Cal had brought the man to her doorstep. She’d done it in record time too. Had Cal really come all this way in such a short amount of time just for her birthday?

“I thought you told me she liked the flowers,” Allen said to Cal. “She doesn’t look too frickin’ happy right now. I thought you said she was going to love meeting me.”

This whole whacked-out scene made no sense to Julie. Why had Cal brought him along? Was he friendly or nuts? What—

“Did I say that?” Cal’s tone was all innocence. “Did I forget to mention that she bought a new house because she was being stalked by someone whose name started with the letter A?”

It happened in a second. The cake flew as Allen pounced at Cal. Cal stumbled against the car as Allen’s hands wrapped around her throat, her smile lost in the blink of an eye. Before Julie even made it down the stairs to tackle him and get him off Cal, a shot rang out and Allen staggered back, holding his middle.

Julie recoiled, her hand against her pounding heart as blood seeped through Allen’s fingers. He dropped to his knees, his eyes rounded and glassy.

“One down, one to go,” Cal breathed out. She had a gun in her hand and even as the words were out of her mouth, the nose of the gun pointed in Julie’s direction.

Nothing made sense.

A wash of chills streaked up Julie’s back. “Cal? What the hell?” Julie barely got the words out. “Carrie Ann,” she said louder this time. “What is wrong with you? Drop the gun, it’s me. Drop the gun.”

“What is wrong with me?” Cal’s derisive laugh cut through the quiet evening. “You!” she shouted, her eyes narrowing. “You’ve been the problem for a long time, but I was too stupid to see it. This moment has been years in the making, but it took Drew to make me see that things have to change.”

“What are you talking about?” Julie’s pulse hammered wildly. Blood continued to seep over Allen’s fingers as he held his spot on his knees, swaying slightly. “What things? Cal, you’re my best friend, put the gun down. You’re scaring the shit out of me.”

Cal grinned. “Really?” The muzzle flashed and a shot rang out as a bullet whizzed past Julie’s right arm. She winced and ducked.

“Cal!” she screamed. It was all too surreal.

“Feeling a little scared, Julie?” Cal asked, the gun still held between both her hands. “Like you’re about to lose everything?” Her chest rose and fell with deep breaths. “That’s how Drew feels all the time. Every day.”

“He needs help!” Julie struggled to find calm. She lowered her voice. “He needs professional help, Cal. Neither one of us can give him what he needs.”

“Bullshit!” Cal yelled. “You could’ve done a lot more, but you neglected him, and you threw me to the curb. He’s adored you for years. He lives for every word, every visit, every fucking phone call with you. And you just ignore him. You make him feel like shit. He can’t function because of you! My life is brutal. Dealing with Drew, getting work, my whole life has been shaped because of you! We’ll both be better off without you.” Her wide eyes spit venom. “I’m sorry, Jules. Sorry I couldn’t save you Copyright 2016 - 2024