Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,12

the few steps to shake his hand. She had a hell of a grip and good strength for just a little thing. “Hi. Nice to meet you.” Her brown eyes sparkled. “I hear we have you to thank for keeping our girl alive.”

Good news traveled fast. Troy shrugged and a zap of pain shot through his arm. “I happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

“More like the wrong place at the wrong time,” Julie scoffed.

He grinned. There was something absolutely riveting about her personality, and it went beyond watching her on television. Having her so up close and personal seemed to ignite every tiny cell of happiness he owned. “You think of it your way and I’ll think of it mine.”

She flashed her famous smile and took Troy down for the count. She could smile at him like that and nothing mattered in the world. Not his aching arm or current crappy assignment.

But as much as Julie Fraser intrigued him, it didn’t change the fact that she was the second reason he’d been on the red carpet to begin with. Sure, he was on Ari’s payroll as his bodyguard, but that was all a sham. A cover. Troy really worked for Ari’s wife, who lived in London and wanted the dirt on her husband. Tired of Ari’s philandering ways, Sophia Nepali had found Troy through a former client, and she’d hired him after a phone interview. Ari had no idea that his wife had actually hired Troy to spy on him. He was under the misguided impression that Troy was his new bodyguard because Seth, his old bodyguard, had scored a better job. Seth now worked in London driving Sophia Nepali. Troy was pretty sure Sophia thought he didn’t know, but Troy made it his business to know the dynamics of his clients. Ari, full of himself and not too interested in the people surrounding him, hadn’t cared where Seth went and barely registered Troy’s existence. That worked fine for Troy.

Sophia had been absolutely certain that her husband was fucking a Hollywood starlet. Specifically speaking...Julie Fraser. Disliking Troy’s usual routine of following a cheating spouse, Sophia had insisted he get up close and personal so he could watch Ari in action. Troy hadn’t wanted to, but Sophia’s desperation had sealed the deal. She wanted out of a loveless marriage, and she wanted to make sure her life remained comfortable when she did. Translation—stick it to Ari, who was worth millions, so she could get her half and fuck whomever she wanted whenever she wanted.

Not that Troy could blame her. She deserved a faithful husband. Anyone could fuck around, but once someone said the vows...that was the beginning as far as fidelity was concerned. Of course other circumstances definitely warranted cause for divorce. Abuse, for one. After the upbringing he’d had, Troy didn’t see how he’d be any type of husband material for any decent woman. There were too many reasons why he shouldn’t even attempt it. Maybe that’s why he steered clear of relationships. He didn’t want to get stuck in a bad one.

He liked Julie Fraser’s attitude, her sense of humor and the way she rolled with the punches.

Too bad.

If all went according to plan, his findings were going to expose America’s Sweetheart as the home wrecker she really was.

A little chunk of his heart broke off with the knowledge that he was going to bring her down.

Chapter Four

Back in her room, Julie shifted to find a comfortable spot in her bed. She’d be glad to get out of here and back to the coziness of her own home.

She would have stayed to chat with Troy longer, but Cal’s presence had put a stop to her game of Twenty Questions. Cal had been on location for weeks so it would’ve been rude to blow her off, although if anyone were to understand, it would’ve been Cal. Cal had been telling her for years to snag a guy. “You’re a famous movie star. You can get whoever you want.” But Julie had learned that wasn’t true. Some guys couldn’t put up with the media, or sharing her with the general population when out in public. Besides, she didn’t want just anybody. A little voice inside told her that she’d know when the right man came along, and she’d been listening to that voice.

She liked this guy. A lot. When was the last time she’d liked anyone in that way? When was the last time a man Copyright 2016 - 2024