Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,113

if he explained the circumstances, she was bound to see his side of it. He hoped.

“Everything okay?” Julie asked. She stood at the kitchen archway.

Troy faced her. “I forgot what a small town this is.” He probably hadn’t even started the car before the grocery store clerk had called his Uncle Zach. In turn, Zach had probably counted the minutes until he knew Troy would be in the cabin.

“How’s your uncle?”

“He sounded fine, I guess. Weird.”

“Weird how?” she asked pulling a chair from the table and taking a seat. She kicked the one next to her so he’d take it.

It wasn’t that Troy had anything against his uncle. Nothing except the fact that he’d let his brother get away with abuse...and possibly murder.

“Weird like he had to talk to me. He’s coming over now. His main house is about a half hour away...closer to the city.” Troy turned the chair and straddled it, set his hands on the table and absently drummed his thumbs on the heavy wood.

“That doesn’t seem too weird. You haven’t seen him in decades, right? He’s probably dying to see you.”

Probably. Troy nodded. Zach had been furious with his brother for moving. He’d always been cool when Troy was around, but when he thought he was alone with his brother, it was a different story. Maybe he did know what a monster his brother was. It was hard to say.

“What are you not telling me?” she asked.

He met her gaze and shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Are you happy he’s coming over? You don’t seem especially excited about it.” Her blue laser gaze bored a hole right through him. “Did he have something to do with why you moved?”

She’d probably make a great P.I. He had to remember she observed people on a regular basis. She read him better than anyone ever had before.

“It’s possible. I suppose I might find that out in a very short while.”

“So, your mother died, your dad and uncle had a falling out and your dad moved you out of town.”

He nodded. “That’s pretty much it.”

Julie leaned forward and set her hands on his. The instant connection shot straight to his heart. He linked their fingers, temporarily mesmerized by her soft touch.

“You can talk to me about anything, you know. I’m all yours and I’m a pretty good listener.”

Troy studied her sincere face. He hadn’t talked about his mother and father with anyone. He hadn’t seen a need. He’d been stuck with his dad for nine years after his mother died, but he’d gotten out as soon as he could.

Sitting across from him now, Julie deserved some answers. He’d basically abducted her from her home, her life and her family. Yes, he’d done it for her safety, but knowing what might take place when his uncle got there, she deserved to know the truth.

Troy closed his eyes. “I remember that night so clearly,” he said. “The fighting, the scream. The sound of thumping.” He opened his eyes and saw the look on her face, the realization that what he was about to share was going to be way more than she expected. “I remember creeping out of the den and seeing my mother lying on the floor, completely still. My father was at the top of the stairs.” He shook his head. “To this day I can’t figure out if he looked more pissed or stunned.

“‘She fell,’ my dad said. He sounded as surprised as he looked.”

He glanced at Julie’s shocked and sympathetic eyes and shook his head again. “I didn’t really believe it, you know, that she just fell, but I hadn’t witnessed it for myself. I’d seen my mother back away from my father’s hand for years, so it was possible she’d backed away and fallen, but I never doubted that he was the cause.” The subtle downward shift of her brows told him she understood exactly what he hadn’t yet said.

“I was nine years old. I had no one to tell. I thought if I said something, my father might kill me too. So I kept my mouth shut.” He’d prayed every night that his Uncle Zach would somehow come to his rescue. Maybe he knew there was a problem because he’d spent more time with Troy, but ultimately his father had moved them to New Jersey.

“Oh, my God,” Julie whispered. She stood up and limped to the counter, her back to him, her shoulders stiff as she took a few deep breaths.

Troy hated that he’d brought Copyright 2016 - 2024