The Little Teashop in Tokyo by Julie Caplin Page 0,91

weight igniting a flash of desire. Kissing him more deeply, Fiona pressed her hips upwards to squirm against his groin as his hands delved into her hair. The firm, delicious touch of his fingers grazing her scalp made her sigh with pleasure as he peppered her face with kisses, before skimming down her neck and pressing kisses over her nipples through the camisole.

‘Mmm,’ she squeaked as he lifted up the cami and pushed aside her bra. The touch of his mouth made her hips rise again. ‘Oh wow,’ she said in a strangled voice as desperation tortured her.

Gabe, it appeared, wasn’t in any hurry and things slowed as he took a leisurely trip tasting and sipping at her breasts, bringing her to breathlessness, her hands fisting in the covers as she gave involuntary moans.

‘Stop. Stop,’ she panted. She felt like she might explode at any second. It was all too much. Every nerve ending was on fire. ‘I can’t. I can’t.’ Her hand fluttered and she swallowed, her breath coming in ridiculous pants. He lifted his head and moved his hand up to her face to cup her chin.

‘Too fast?’

‘Mmm,’ she nodded, grateful for his understanding. ‘I need … sorry. I need a minute.’ He rolled from her and gathered her in his arms, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She could feel the heave of his chest as it rose and fell.

Immediately she felt bereft but a little less panicky.

‘Phew,’ wheezed Gabe. ‘I think I might have a heart attack.’ He picked up her hand and placed it over his heart. The thunderous pace of his pulse made her smile.

‘I thought it was just me.’

‘Just you what?’

‘Feeling crazy out of control.’

He laughed and kissed her firmly on the mouth. ‘Nope, I’m in the crazy out-of-control camp too.’

‘Good,’ she whispered and placed a careful kiss on his neck, the tip of her tongue tasting the skin on his collar bone.

With a groan, he buried his face in her hair and lay still, their harsh breathing puncturing the still air of the dimly lit room.

She tentatively ran a hand across his chest and could tell he was forcing himself to lie still. ‘Sorry,’ she said again.

‘Don’t you dare apologise,’ he said gruffly. ‘This is about two people. Although you’re killing me. Just saying.’

She smiled and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him and tugging him on top of her.

‘I’ve caught up with the crazy now,’ she whispered.

‘Are you sure? We don’t have to do this,’ he said, his hand skimming down her ribs.

She nodded, certain.

He moved to the edge of the bed and removed something from the wallet in his jeans.

‘We’ll need to make these count. I didn’t exactly come prepared,’ he said with a teasing smile.

She gave him a shy smile. ‘You’re doing fine so far.’

When his body finally slid home, it was an awful lot more than fine.


She woke slowly to a room lit by moonlight, her body tingling all over, warm and satiated, and brought her fingers to her tender mouth, aware of the involuntary smile there. Goodness, she’d been missing out. Gabe certainly knew what he was doing and … she smiled again, he didn’t seem to have had any complaints about what she’d been doing. Her heart did a little jig as she recalled the long groan of pleasure when he’d come … both times. She could hear Gabe’s slow, steady breathing next to her and felt the steady heat radiating from his body.

For a minute she gazed down at him, his rumpled hair spread on the pillow and his face relaxed. Her heart bloomed with love. Yup, she loved him, every last inch of him. Even when he was being an arrogant jerk. Or now when he was spread out in front of her. God, it was so tempting. To reach out and touch – smooth that hair, stroke his collar bone – but instead she studied his face, biting her lip. Gabe Burnett. Gorgeous. Generous in bed. Last night had been a complete and utter revelation. Fiona almost giggled out loud – would have done if the sadness hadn’t clamped down hard. Instead she swallowed as she traced the hollows of his throat. She’d slept with him – Gabe Burnett – the real man, not the illusion she’d held for so long. Surprisingly, she’d felt his equal. A woman. Not the naïve schoolgirl who lived inside her always trying to keep up. Tears blurred her vision. Well they could bloody go away. Man Copyright 2016 - 2024