The Little Teashop in Tokyo by Julie Caplin Page 0,117

shinbui, the aesthetic of simple, subtle, beauty. You could say Tupperware is like that; there’s a simple, subtle beauty in its durability and reliability.’

With a giggle – as much born of the silliness as the effervescent happiness bubbling away inside – she remembered that Setsuko had said she had shinbui. She’d tell Gabe later, and in the meantime said, ‘I’ll never look at it in quite the same way.’

‘Well, hopefully when you do, you’ll realise …’ He took her face in his hands and rubbed his nose against hers before pulling back to say, ‘… how much I love you.’

With a heartfelt smile, she kissed him on the mouth, savouring the feel of his lips. God she’d missed him. Things might have started to get out of hand from that moment if it wasn’t for the discreet cough behind them. They both turned to find the man from the front desk.

‘Just checking everything is all right.’ Behind him two more members of staff peeped over his shoulder, their faces bright with curiosity as they whispered to each other. In the hushed echoey space, she heard them say, ‘It is her.’

‘Everything is perfect, thanks Jay.’

‘Okay, well, let us know if you need anything.’ He backed away, taking the two young women with him.

Fiona swung round to Gabe, frowning in puzzlement. ‘How did you know I was here?’

Gabe laughed again. ‘I’ve been staking out the coffee bar across the road every day. And the staff all had strict instructions to call me if you turned up.’

‘What if I hadn’t come?’

‘Then I’d have come to you but I knew you would.’


‘Because you face things. No matter how difficult, you try. You do new things. You challenge yourself, even though you don’t think of yourself as bold. You are my kintsugi, the golden glue that healed this jaded, cynical idiot and made him believe in love again.’

She put a hand up to her hair. ‘Haruka said something similar to me.’

‘Haruka is a very wise woman.’

‘She is.’

‘I need to send her a WhatsApp. Let her know that all is well.’

With that he held up his phone, put his arm around her and took a selfie and they agreed it didn’t need a message because, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.


Don’t miss the next irresistible instalment in the Romantic Escapes series: The Cosy Cottage in Kerry. You can order your copy here!

And be sure to follow Julie Caplin on Twitter @JulieCaplin, on Facebook @JulieCaplinAuthor, and check out her website at for all the updates on her latest work.

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You will adore The First Date by Zara Stoneley, a hilarious and heartwarming romantic comedy about what happens when the wrong guy turns up at the right time. Click here to get your copy!

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You could probably spend a lifetime exploring Japan and still find there’s more to learn about the culture, the history and the people. It is a truly fascinating place and I am indebted to a number of people who helped broaden my research by sharing their experiences of living, working and visiting there. Harley Cyster-White, who helped with the day to day living details on houses, pubs and transport. My dear friend, Alison Cyster-White, who told me all about the digital museum and negotiating the train system to travel around the country (and snow monkeys, even though I couldn’t get them in). Also Alan Garner, who helped me navigate my way around Tokyo with invaluable advice on the Yamanote line, and Claire Doherty, a veteran of the Japanese Embassy, who gave me brilliant insight into Japanese customs and food as well as some highly entertaining anecdotes too libellous to include!

Thanks to my fab editor, Charlotte Ledger, whose love of Japan was so infectious she inspired this book, and to my ever patient agent, Broo Doherty, whose unfailing support and brilliant guidance kept me going when I was convinced that this was the second worst book I’d ever written. (The worst book I ever wrote ended up being nominated for a Romantic Novel of the Year award which just goes to show, I know nothing!)

And no book would ever be finished without my writing pals, Donna Ashcroft, Phillipa Ashley, Sarah Bennett, Darcie Boleyn and Bella Osborne, who cheer me on and keep me focussed when the going gets tough. Special thanks also go to my friend Paulene Le Floche for her proofreading help and unfailing support.

Last but not least a huge shout out to all the lovely readers and bloggers who still amaze me by being so supportive and bring me joy when they send wonderful messages. I’m so grateful to you all. Copyright 2016 - 2024