Little Girl Gone - By Battles, Brett Page 0,71

could see that this one was different than the one in which he and Daeng were assigned. The walkway took a short jog to the left, and ran along the side of the train for a little bit before passing a kitchen area, then opening into a simple dining room.

Several of the tables were occupied, and two waitresses seemed to be sharing the duty of serving the customers. There was a snack counter, too, separating the kitchen from the dining area.

What he wasn’t seeing was a bathroom.

He quickly headed across the dining area to the door on the other side. Passing through it, he was once more in the no man’s land between cars, only this particular passage had been set up so that people could move to the sides, out of the way, and smoke next to open windows.

He knew the further he continued down the train, the more chances he was taking that he’d be spotted. So he decided this was going to have to do. He moved over to one of the windows, his back now to the train’s doors.

The sun had set in the last ten minutes, and the space was not well lit, so the shadows were also his friend as he leaned into the window to sell the illusion he was smoking, then waited. He expected the door behind him to open within half a minute, but it didn’t. In fact it was almost three before someone passed through, and it was a woman, not the guy he was hiding from.

He held his position, wondering where the hell the man gone. After another minute, the door opened again. Someone stepped through, then Logan heard something scrape against the second door a couple of times.

“Dammit,” a voice said.

Logan resisted the urge to turn.

“Hey, can you give me a hand?”

Logan still didn’t move.

“Buddy, you speak English? I could use some help.”

Logan turned, but tried to stay as much in the darkness as possible. Sure enough, it was the guy he’d been trying to avoid. “Sorry,” he said. “Daydreaming.”

“No problem. Can you open this door for me? My hands are kind of full. Got through the other one, but now I seem kind of stuck.”

He was holding several bottles of beer and some packages of food, which explained why he’d been delayed.

“Sure,” Logan said.

He squeezed by the man and opened the door.

“Thanks. Appreciate it.”

As the guy disappeared inside, Logan knew he probably should just turn around and head back to his seat, but an opportunity had just been presented to him that he couldn’t pass up.

Since a person could only go two directions on a train, if someone was walking down the aisle behind them, there’d be very little reason for them to think they were being followed.

Logan let the man have a good five second lead, then he entered the car.

This, too, was unlike the second class car. But it wasn’t another dining car. This one was first class. The aisle ran along the windows on the left, and on the right were white doors to the private cabins.

As the man neared each cabin door, Logan tense in anticipation, but the man made it all the way to the end without stopping. There he paused, then looked back and saw Logan.

“You coming this way too?” he called out.

“Yeah, I am.”

“Get the door for me again?”

“Of course.”

As they passed into the next cabin, the man said, “Thanks, man. I feel like I should tip you. Want a beer?”

“No, thanks. You keep them.” Logan paused. It was too late to worry about the guy remembering his face, so he added, “Unless you’re actually going to drink all of them yourself.”

The guy laughed. “Not that I couldn’t, but I’m sharing these.”

Suddenly they were friends, and Logan was no longer walking twenty feet behind him, but only three.

“At least those will help pass the time,” Logan said.

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

Logan almost asked how far the man was traveling. The question was on his lips, an innocent inquiry from a fellow passenger. But he hesitated, then decided it was one step too far.

They were halfway through the car when the door ahead of them opened, and Daeng came through. He nearly missed a step when he saw Logan walking toward him right behind Aaron’s friend. Logan could see that Daeng was trying to figure out if he needed to do something or not, so he raised a hand a few inches, indicating that everything was okay.

As they got nearer, Daeng moved Copyright 2016 - 2024