Little Girl Gone - By Battles, Brett Page 0,42

the fence, then moved along it until he reached a small storage shed that was about as close as he dared get to the jet.

The first thing he did was to write down the tail number and a general description of the aircraft in his notebook. It was a sizable plane that was probably about as large as the airport could handle. Logan had no doubt it could easily fly from one coast to the other with fuel to spare.

From his vantage point, he could see the open cabin door, and a short staircase that led down from the plane to the tarmac. Outside the building, four men huddled together. Ryan was one of them, as was the guy who’d just been searching for Logan. One of the other two was younger, like Ryan, which made Logan think he might be the recently-moved-out Aaron Hughes. The final guy was black, and probably in his early thirties. Logan had never seen him before, but wondered if he might have been the black guy Joan and Maria had mentioned.

After about five minutes, Ryan and the guy Logan decided to anoint as Aaron went inside the building. The other two talked for a few more seconds, then headed over to the jet. One of the guys called inside, then a man wearing a simple uniform appeared in the doorway. From the way he was dress, Logan though he was probably the pilot.

The three men talked for several moments, then one of the men on the ground pulled out a phone and made a call. The conversation went on for no more than thirty seconds, then he hung up and said something to the other two.

The pilot nodded, seemingly satisfied, and disappeared back into the plane. A few moments later, the jet’s engines fired up. This seemed to be the cue the guys in the building had been waiting for, because soon Ryan, Aaron, and the man who’d chased Logan and Angie on the freeway came outside and joined the others.

Standing together at the foot of the stairs, the men seemed antsy, none of them saying very much, then Ryan suddenly glanced over his shoulder toward the access road. A second later, the others did the same.

Logan followed their gaze, and immediately spotted a dark Chevy Suburban approaching from the east. Once it turned off the access road, it circled the plane, then pulled around the wing to get as close to the aircraft as possible. The two front doors opened, and two men stepped out. The driver had a similar look and feel to the other men waiting with Ryan and Aaron. The passenger, on the other hand, was older. Maybe mid-forties, and dressed in a well-tailored, dark suit.

Mr. Andrews?

There were no hugs or handshakes, just a tight gathering as the group listened to the man in the suit. When he was through, he pointed at the SUV.

Almost immediately, the Suburban’s back passenger doors flew open, and a man got out from each side. The one who’d been sitting behind the driver leaned back in like he’d forgotten his bag or something, but what he pulled out wasn’t a bag. It was a small, young, Asian woman.

The distance made definitive identification difficult, especially since Logan had only seen a picture of Elyse and had never met her in person. But he had little doubt that the woman was indeed Tooney’s granddaughter.

She appeared to be drugged as the man half-walked, half-carried her toward the plane.

Just a couple of hundred feet separated Logan from the girl he had promised to find, the girl he had promised to bring back to her grandfather. But there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. If he tried, the only result he could see was one that ended with both the girl and himself dead.

Feeling completely helpless, he watched as the man loaded her onto the plane. As soon as she was onboard, Aaron, Ryan and the three who had been waiting with them followed the suited man up the steps.

The guy who’d been driving, and the other one from the backseat got back into the Suburban, and pulled it over to the side, out of the way.

Logan assumed they were just parking it, and would be joining the others, but then the plane’s entry door was pulled up and slammed shut. Almost immediately the jet began to taxi away.

Wherever the plane was headed, it was going, and there was nothing Logan could do about it.

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