A Little Bit Wicked - Melissa Foster Page 0,76

be enjoying it.”

“What about the ladies? Are there restrictions on mingling?” Mike asked.

“Oh boy, here we go,” Reba said. “I’m sorry, Chloe.”

“No, it’s fine. I actually get asked that question quite often. Senior citizens have needs, too, and unfortunately, it seems to be frowned upon by their families. I think even grown children have trouble thinking about their parents’ more intimate personal relationships. Facilities like LOCAL are continually grappling with this issue. It’s not just the families we worry about, but the health and welfare of our residents and where to draw the line as people begin to lose their cognition. But all the research shows that social relationships are critical to senior citizens, and even more so in assisted living facilities. Intimacy and companionship have positive effects on people’s sense of independence, it facilitates good physical and mental health, and helps with loneliness. To answer your question, Mike, there are no hard and fast rules in our facility, but the safety of our residents is always our primary concern.”

“If I ever need an advocate, I want you on my side, Chloe,” Rob said, reaching for Reba’s hand.

“Thank you. I care a great deal about the happiness of our residents. I have friends who have lived there for several years. I join them for lunch or dinners sometimes. Aging is a funny thing. We spend our whole lives raising families, or choosing not to, and working hard to pay the bills. Nowadays many people don’t retire until they’re in their seventies. They don’t want to worry about mowing grass or taking care of a big house, and our facility offers them a chance to spend more time enjoying life and less time worrying about some of the day-to-day responsibilities. For many families, just getting to and from medical appointments can be complicated. Having the offices in our complex makes it easier. The grocery store is a shuttle bus away, and they deliver. Friends are in the same building, dinners are hosted, events are planned, so enjoying life is easier.” Chloe realized she’d been going on too long and said, “Sorry. I get carried away when I talk about LOCAL.”

Justin pulled her closer and said, “Don’t be sorry, babe. Your passion takes my breath away.”

“Keep your passion in your pants, Maverick,” Mike said, causing everyone to laugh. “I’d like to see the place, Chloe. Can I take a tour?”

“Poppy, are you sure? You know we love having you stay with us,” Reba said.

“Darlin’, I know you do, and I appreciate you and my boy opening your house to me. But if I don’t get my own place, I am going to lose my mind.”

Rob and Reba made plans to bring Mike to LOCAL for a tour a week from Thursday, in the afternoon. They talked for a while longer, and by the time everyone got ready to leave, Chloe was walking on air. Justin’s family was nothing like she’d thought before their talk on the beach and every bit as loving and welcoming as she’d expected after learning so much about them.

“I’m glad you hung out with us tonight.” Dwayne gave Chloe a one-armed hug, cuddling the kitten in his other arm, and said, “Keep this dude in line, will ya?”

“I’ll try.”

Dwayne and Justin bumped fists. He said goodbye to the rest of the family and headed into the shelter to check on the dogs one last time.

“I really enjoyed getting to know you, Chloe, and I hope we’ll see you again soon.” Reba embraced her for longer than she had when they’d first arrived.

“Me too. I look forward to seeing you for the tour.”

Rob wrapped his arms around Chloe and said, “Be good to my boy.”

“I will be. I have months of brushing him off to make up for,” she admitted.

Mike winked and said, “The chase is half the fun.” He embraced Chloe as Justin said goodbye to his parents.

She and Justin walked to his truck hand in hand, and Justin said, “I’m sorry we spent so much time with my family. I had planned on taking you to P-town tonight.”

“I loved every second with them,” she said honestly. “You’re lucky, Justin. That’s what a family should be like, and tonight has already been the best date I’ve ever been on.”

He drew her into his arms and said, “The night’s not over. What would you like to do?”

“Provincetown sounds wonderful, but I like being in your world, and I’d really like to see more of it. Would it be weird

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