A Little Bit Wicked - Melissa Foster Page 0,117

still single, and he’s staying for dinner if you’d like to join us.”

Kent looked at her apologetically.

Chloe received offers like that often from the residents. Luckily, the men who were offered up were kind about their elderly relatives’ matchmaking. “Thank you, Agnes. You know how much I like Kent, but actually, this is my boyfriend, Justin, and his family. I’m giving them a tour of the facility.” She motioned to Justin.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Justin said warmly.

“Oh goodness. I’m sorry,” Agnes exclaimed. “I hadn’t heard the news. I’ll be sure to tell my lady friends that you’re spoken for.” She pointed a shaky finger at Justin and said, “You’re a lucky man, Justin. We adore Chloe, so be good to her.” She lowered her hand and her gaze moved to the rest of his family. “I have lived here for several years, and there’s no place I’d rather be. Chloe is always making sure we have new things to do, and we’re well taken care of. We’ll let you get back to your tour.”

Kent nodded kindly as he pushed her wheelchair past the group.

“I bet that happens a lot,” Reba said to Chloe as they continued down the hall. “It’s not surprising. It’s evident how much you’re appreciated here.”

“Thank you. I’m lucky to have a job I love, working with people I enjoy. I get to plan new programs all the time. Did Madigan tell you that we worked together to prepare a proposal for a puppetry program?”

“Yes. She is excited about it,” Reba said.

“She’s been a tremendous help. We’re crossing our fingers in hopes of getting funding approved for a trial program.” Chloe pushed the button on the wall by the glass doors, and the doors to the courtyard opened. The late-afternoon sun cast shadows over the courtyard, where residents were playing cards and other games. “This is one of my favorite places. As you can see, our residents enjoy it, too. Our yoga instructor, Emery Masters, is a good friend of mine. When the weather is warm enough, she teaches right out there by the big oak tree.” She pointed across the lawn.

“I won’t be doing any yoga, but I might sit up here and watch the show,” Mike said with a chuckle.

“Pops.” Rob shook his head.

“Not everyone likes to do yoga,” Chloe said. “If you enjoy taking walks, we have paved paths throughout the property, and as you can see, there are always games available.”

“That sounds great, doesn’t it, Poppy?” Reba asked.

“Sure,” Mike answered. He said something under his breath to Justin and Tank, who both grinned.

Ginger nudged Chloe and said, “You have to watch Mike around women and card tables. My husband’s road name is Con, and it has got nothing to do with the shortening of his given name and everything to do with the cardsharping his father taught him when he was young.”

Mike gave Ginger a sideways glance. “Don’t go getting me in trouble when I haven’t done anything yet.”

“Yet is the operative word,” Conroy said, crossing his arms and lowering his chin to give Mike a serious stare. “You can’t swindle people here, Pops.”

Mike said, “Swindle is a harsh word, son.”

“Not for you it’s not,” Rob said.

“We have a few shifty card players here that we keep our eyes on.” Chloe motioned to a table across the courtyard, where two longtime residents of LOCAL, Nelson Byer and Robert Crumptin, were playing checkers. Nelson winked at Chloe.

“It looks like you have a fan, Chloe,” Reba said.

“Nelson is known for flirting and for card trickery. He and Mike will get along just fine.” She squared her shoulders, looking at Mike as she said, “But I’m sure you’ll respect our other residents and play fairly. Or you’ll have me to deal with.”

“My girl’s tough, Gramps. You’d better listen to her,” Justin said.

As Justin and his family looked around the courtyard, Chloe stopped by Nelson and Robert’s table. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. Are you enjoying this lovely weather?”

“I’m enjoying beating my friend in checkers,” Nelson said.

Chloe said, “It’s good to see you playing something other than cards for a change.”

“Figured I’d wrangle a few bucks out of the guys at the card table next and maybe take you to dinner with my winnings.” Nelson waggled his brows.

She patted his arm and said, “You have a long enough list of lady friends waiting their turn for a dinner date with you. Enjoy the game, gentlemen.”

Chloe wanted to give Justin and his family time to talk among themselves. Reba

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