Lines Drawn (Drawn to You #2) - Ker Dukey Page 0,7

the contact and snuggles in to steal my heat.

“Please tell me you aren’t here alone?”

She pulls away and shrugs. “I just needed to ask you something.”

“Have you heard of a phone call?” I joke, but she doesn’t smile.

“I didn’t have your number.”

I grab a blanket from the stash Britney keeps in here for when she takes a nap on her breaks. She doesn’t think I know she does it, but she snores, and every staff member has filmed her and posted it on social media.

Wrapping the fabric over her shoulders, I rub up and down to cause some friction and warm her up. That’s when it dawns on me. “Antonia, tell me you didn’t fucking walk here?”

“I need to ask you something and couldn’t sleep.”

It’s 2 a.m. and she walked here. What the hell? Finlay is going to lose his shit. I’m not fucking telling him.

“You had James’ band play here. Do you have any of the band’s phone numbers?” she says, through almost clenched teeth.

Why would she come here for that? “I thought you were friends with them all. Don’t you have their numbers?”

“Gav, would I be here if I did? Do you have them or not?” she barks, and then catches herself. “Shit. I’m sorry for snapping.” She drops her ass onto the couch. Rubbing her eyes with the tips of her fingers, she exhales hard. Her shoulders lift and collapse. “Fuck. Life sucks right now and I need you to not ask questions and just be my friend. Can you do that?”

I can do that. Having Antonia call you a friend is something anyone should cherish. “Of course. I have Dan’s number if that helps?”

She jumps to her feet, the blanket falling back to the couch behind her. She moves to my desk, grabbing up the landline receiver.

“What’s the number?”

“It’s the a.m., Antonia. Maybe you should wait until the morning.” I take the phone from her and place it down. She sighs again and begins pacing the room.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I offer to take a seat so I don’t crowd her. She stops moving, one hand on her hip and the other in her mouth while she nibbles at her nails. “I’m just anxious and tired, and the former won’t let me rest.”

A low tap on the door brings our eyes to the sound. “Yeah?”

“We’re cashing up. Do you need anyone to stay back?”

“No, it’s fine. Go home,” I shout back.

Antonia’s bright green orbs widen as she looks over at me. “I’m sorry for just showing up. I should go and let you get back to work.”

Getting to my feet, I race to catch her before she flees out the door.

Her mouth pops open as I grab the handle before she can.

“If you think I’d let you walk out of here at this time of night on your own, you’re insane. Come and lay down for a few minutes while I finish up and then I’ll drive you home.” She doesn’t argue as I guide her back to the couch and lay the blanket over her. She’s asleep before I’ve even left the room.

I JOLT AWAKE, MY heart racing in my chest. My eyes take a moment to adjust; it’s dark in here, but I remember I came to Gav’s club and lay down for a moment. Soft snores murmur from the side of the room. Gavin’s asleep in his office chair, his chin resting on his chest. The position looks uncomfortable, but he’s snoring, so he must be in a deep sleep. He must have got bored waiting for me and crashed. Guilt chews at my nerves. Getting to my feet, I creep to the door and panic when it doesn’t open. It’s irrational. Gav would never hurt me or lock me in on purpose, but my body won’t listen to my brain and anxiety takes over. I pull at the door, my lungs restrict the air from inhaling or escaping.

“Open. Open!” I command.

I pound at the door. I’m in a fully-fledged freak out when strong arms come around my waist and soothing, familiar sounds penetrate through the haze of anxiety.

“It’s okay. I’ll unlock it. Shh.” His palm comes over my chest to rest over my heart, and he begins to tap and whisper, “Breathe. Du dum. Du dum. Du dum.” My heart rate slows to the rhythm of his taps.

Sweat beads on my forehead. The tremors in my body leave me feeling like I’m vibrating under my flesh.

“I don’t know why…” Copyright 2016 - 2024