Limitless - Jim Kwik Page 0,7

set—it was an X-Men movie set.

The next morning, we got on the plane they called the X-Jet. The other passengers included most of the mutant cast, and I found myself sitting between Jennifer Lawrence and Halle Berry. This was turning out to be the best day ever.

On the plane and the next week on set, I got to share some of my brain tips for speed-reading scripts and for remembering lines with some of the extraordinary cast and crew. And guess what? The very first scene I got to see them shoot took place in Professor X’s school—the very place I’d spent endless days imagining and searching for when I was a kid. It was such a surreal moment for me. What’s one of your dreams? One that is ever present, like a splinter in your brain? Imagine it in vivid detail. Visualize it. Feel it. Believe it. And work daily for it.

Amazingly, that’s not the best part of this story. When I got back from the trip, I came home to find a package waiting for me. It was huge, about the size of a large flat-screen TV. I opened the package and pulled out an enormous framed photograph of me with the entire X-Men cast. The photo had a note from the chairman, which read:

Jim, thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with all of us. I know you’ve been looking for your superhero school ever since you were a child. Here’s your class photo.

See the actual full-color superhero photo at



un·lim·it·ing (noun)

The act or process of casting aside inaccurate and restrictive perceptions of one’s potential and embracing the reality that, with the right mindset, motivation, and methods, there are no limitations.

For so much of my life, I allowed myself to be defined by my perceived restrictions. I’d gotten what I thought was a terrible break when I was a kid, and I was convinced that this had set the course for a compromised future. But, with the help of some key people, I came to discover that my perceived restrictions were not really restrictions at all. They were merely obstacles I needed to overcome or limitations I needed to unlearn. And when I did, what I could learn to be or do each day became limitless.

Becoming limitless is not just about accelerated learning, speed-reading, and having an incredible memory. Yes, you will learn how to do all of that and more. But being limitless is not about being perfect. It’s about progressing beyond what you currently believe is possible. Just as you’ve learned limits from your family, culture, and life experiences, you can unlearn them. These constraints are only temporary obstacles that you can learn to overcome. What I have come to find over my years of working with people is that most everyone limits and shrinks their dreams to fit their current reality. We convince ourselves that the circumstances we are in, the beliefs we’ve accepted, and the path we are on is who we are and who we will always be. But there is another choice. You can learn to unlimit and expand your mindset, your motivation, and your methods to create a limitless life. When you do what others won’t, you can live how others can’t. By reading this book, you have taken an important step. Remember, one step in a better direction can completely change your destination.

The key when you are taking your steps is to have a map, a model of success. Armed with this there, is no trial or dragon you can’t overcome. So here it is:

The Limitless Model


You can learn to be, do, have, and share with no constraints. I wrote this book to prove this to you. If you are not learning or living at your full potential, if there is a gap between your current reality and your desired reality, here’s the reason: There is a limit that must be released and replaced in one of three areas:

A limit in your Mindset—you entertain a low belief in yourself, your capabilities, what you deserve, or what is possible.

A limit in your Motivation—you lack the drive, purpose, or energy to take action.

A limit in your Methods—you were taught and are acting on a process that is not effective to create the results you desire.

This applies to an individual, a family, an organization. We all have our own unique story of struggles and strengths. Whatever your situation happens to be, here’s the best part: You’re not alone. Copyright 2016 - 2024