Limitless - Jim Kwik Page 0,103

and then teach your children what you’ve just learned? Connect with people in more dynamic ways? Throw a brain-food dinner party? Sign up for the class that is going to open new doors for you? Or maybe sign up to teach a class yourself? Which would you choose?

That’s what a superhero would do. That’s what the limitless you can do.

Throughout this book, you’ve had the opportunity to take some of your new skills out for a spin. In the pages that follow, I’ve laid out a program to get you started. Now is the time to start to use all of what you’ve learned in concert. Start with one thing, but start somewhere. Anywhere. And when you do, I think you’re going to be stunned by what you uncover about yourself. The limitless you is the person you truly are and the person who, over time, will become things you can’t even conceive of now.

Know yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself.

And remember, the life you live are the lessons you teach. Be limitless.

With love and learning,



Congratulations on making it to the end of this book. You are one of the few who completes the task at hand. I applaud you.

We’ve covered a lot in this book. My advice is to implement everything you learned. If you’re not sure where to begin, then this 10-day plan is here to help you jump-start your limitless journey.

You can follow this plan I made for you, or you can handpick three top tips you’d like to integrate from each main section: Mindset, Motivation, and Methods. In this way you can focus on the areas where you feel you’re currently lacking and need more support. You can also download this 10-Day Kwik Start program in video format from

Thank you for allowing me to be your brain coach through this book. I look forward to hearing about your progress.


Put this acronym (FASTER) into action on day one:

Forget: The key to laser focus is to remove or forget that which distracts you. There are three things you want to forget (at least temporarily). What you already know

What’s not urgent

Your limitations

Act: Traditional education has trained many people to think that learning is a passive experience. But learning is not a spectator sport. The human brain does not learn as much by consumption as it does by creation. Knowing that, I want you to ask yourself how you can become more active in your learning. Take notes. Do the exercises in this book.

State: Your state of being is a current snapshot of your emotions. It is highly influenced by your thoughts (psychology) and the physical condition of your body (physiology). Change your posture or the depth of your breathing. Consciously choose states of joy, fascination, and curiosity.

Teach: If you want to cut your learning curve dramatically, learn with the intention of teaching the information to someone else.

Enter: If it’s not on your calendar, there’s a good chance it’s not getting done. Take out your calendar and enter blocks of time to invest in yourself, even if that’s only 10 or 15 minutes a day.

Review: You are better able to retain information by reviewing multiple spread-out sessions. Get in the habit of reflecting on your day and do a daily review of what you’ve learned.

For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 4.


Identify the voices in your head that are focusing on what you can’t do—those Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). Start talking back to them.

Remember, too, to discount those pesky LIEs: Limiting Ideas Entertained. And consistently check in with your BS, Belief Systems. When you find yourself thinking, I always screw up this sort of thing, counter with, Just because I haven’t always been good at this in the past doesn’t mean that I can’t be great at it now. How can I learn this?

Don’t shrink what’s possible to fit your mind, expand your mind to fit what’s possible. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 8.


Reflect on the power of dominant questions. You likely have one question you’re subconsciously asking yourself throughout the day. Identify this question and think about how you can change it to change your behavior. Knowledge itself is not power, it only has that potential when you apply it. Start asking the questions that will help you get the empowering answers you need throughout the day. For more on this, reread the section in Chapter 4.

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