Lily, the Brave - By Katherine Hodges Page 0,19

are just in time as we were just about to start a new game. Hope you’re good at drawing, because I totally stink,” Malaya said with a playful smile. Lily forced a smile and finished setting up the game. The three of them spent the next hour sculpting, drawing and acting out the various things on the cards they drew. Even though Malaya had claimed to be the worst at drawing, she ended up winning anyway. Lily was a little surprised how much fun she had. Not once did Slade, well, Landon, cheat or do anything objectionable. There were even a few moments when they were laughing at Malaya’s drawing of a dinosaur that she nearly forgot who he really was. As they packed up the game, Lily wondered what would come of this seemingly new Landon. Everything was fine and dandy when they were isolated from everyone else, but what would happen when they were back in school? Would he just go back to being “Slade”, or would he stay the Landon they had just witnessed? School would be the real test.


After some awkward goodbyes, Malaya and Landon left when a nurse brought in a late lunch for Lily.

“Enjoy your lunch,” Malaya said smirking at the grey and brown mass of food on the tray. She walked out the door, turning briefly to wink at her.

“Sorry it’s so late. We’ve been a little busy today,” the small, white haired nurse said to her.

“It’s all right,” Lily said. “We just finished our game, so actually it was perfect timing.” The nurse smiled at her and went on with her duties.

“My name is Louise, and I’ll be your nurse for the afternoon. So if there is anything you need, honey, you just let me know.” With that invitation Lily began her short speech she had prepared in her mind.

“Um, well, I know the doctor said he wanted me to stay here for a few more days, but I’m feeling just fine, and I was wondering if there is any way I can go home sooner. My aunt Jenny is a nurse here, so she would know what to look for if there were any problems wouldn’t she?” Lily crossed her fingers under the bed sheets, hoping that the nurse would agree.

“I don’t know,” the woman said slowly. “I’ll certainly ask though. What department does you aunt work in dear?”

“She’s in the maternity ward. I think it’s on the second floor, down the left wing.”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do,” she said with a smile and bustled out the door. Lily ate what little she could choke down from off the lunch tray, but resorted to eating cheese crackers and a tangerine. She was curled up with one of the books Malaya had brought her when her cousins ran in and pounced on the bed.

“I totally beat you,” Jackson blurted out.

“Yeah, well, you’re bigger and have longer legs than me, so it wasn’t a fair race to begin with,” Ruthie lashed back.

“Okay, okay, enough you two,” Jenny said as she walked in the room. She gave Lily a short hug before sitting on the chair Malaya had left by the bed.

“How are you feeling? You look a little tired,” she said sounding a little tired herself.

“I feel fine. I do feel tired, but I’ve had visitors all morning.”

“Well you were in a coma for a week, so it will take some time for you to get back to normal,” her aunt said not sounding at all surprised.

“The nurses say I’m getting my strength back faster than most patients they’ve seen. I’m glad because I am so ready to be out of here. One more day is one too many for me.”

“Well I’m glad you feel that way because I’ve arranged for you to come home tomorrow morning. I just can’t afford to keep you here any longer. I’ve been taking an extra shift to cover the cost, but I don’t think I can keep that kind of schedule up anymore.”

“That’s funny, I just asked the last nurse to see if she could get me out early,” Lily said smiling to herself. “In fact take me home tonight,” Lily said perking up considerably.

“I’ve already planned with the staff for you to go home tomorrow, so will it kill you to stay here a few more hours,” her aunt asked with a chuckle.

“No, I guess not,” Lily said glancing at her cousins who were rummaging through the bag full of games. Jackson picked Copyright 2016 - 2024