Lightning Game (GhostWalkers #17) -Christine Feehan Page 0,108

stumbled onto something that would have been useful to them to help them weaponize lightning? That’s been talked about for years.”

“She would have told me,” Rubin said. “I don’t think she has any knowledge of making weapons.”

“What else can she do? I presume she’s quite intelligent or you never would have taken a second look at her. A man like you wants a woman with a brain, someone he can discuss things with. She has talents, Rubin. What are they?”

He’s as sharp as a tack. What happened to the stereotypical old recluse coot with the still, which, by the way, I never even caught a glimpse of? Diego said.

“She has a gift for healing although she isn’t trained. She went through medical school to become a doctor, but was never able to finish. She wasn’t given the chance. She has problems if she’s around others too long.”

Luther regarded both men in silence. He shook his head. “None of this is adding up. They would have been better off grabbing one of you. She has to have something they need.”

“We were unexpected. We came a month early. I don’t think they know who we are,” Diego offered.

“I don’t think I’m violating any big government secret when I ask if you two can still communicate like you did when you were kids. I could tell back then, you’d look at each other and suddenly one of you would do something right quick. You had a way with animals too. If you can reach out to the woman …”

Is he fishing? Diego asked.

Who knows? He’s helping us. And he’s a government secret same as we are.

“We’ve always been able to talk to each other. We just always had that, like twins or something.” Rubin was casual about it. “Diego is stronger than I am with it. He can reach much farther. But, no, we can’t contact Jonquille that way. I think those squirrel men—that’s what we call them, because they remind me of flying squirrels—can feel telepathic energy.”

We do need to contact her. Find out how far out they are, Diego warned.

I’ve been thinking how to send a short message to see if she understands. I want her to know we’re here waiting for her. I just don’t want to chance tipping them off.

“We’ll find a way to get a message to her, Luther,” Rubin said. “I’m thinking on it. A code of some sort, to let her know we’re waiting for her.”

Luther nodded. “One thing before we start this little war. I want a promise from you boys. Your word of honor. I know you’ll keep it.” Luther looked each of them in the eyes. “If I don’t make it, you text Jacob at the mortuary immediately. Right then. The moment you know I’m dead. You just text LGDEAD. That’s it. Make absolutely certain he gets my body. He’ll cremate me immediately before they can come for me. I gave Lotty my word I would lie with her in the hereafter. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. I have never broken my word to her. Never. I served my country with honor. I gave them my entire life. They’ll come for my body, but that’s the one thing I won’t give them. That belongs to Lotty. I trust you boys will make sure I keep my word to my angel. She’s my wings. Jacob will bring me to her and bury me with her.”

“You think they’ll come for your body?” Diego asked.

“I know they will, and they won’t waste any time.” Luther was absolute. “So, if you agree, you have to text Jacob the moment I go down, even if the bullets are still flying. Just add an X—LGDEADX—for ‘battle ongoing’ and he’ll know. He’ll come.”

“You have my word,” Rubin said. “Absolutely, Luther. If I could, I’d take you to Jacob.”

“You have my word as well,” Diego said. “No one is going to take you from Lotty.”

“Appreciate it, boys. I’ll draw out their camp right here for you. And show you a little extra firepower I’ve got stashed in the way of explosives. We’re not exactly naked here.”

“Nice.” Diego approved. “I do like explosives. Show me what you’ve got.”

“Tell me you brought a couple of those little transmitters Mordichai put together for Wyatt’s girls so they don’t get lost,” Rubin said.

Diego patted his pocket. “Why?”

“I want to get into position when we know they’re here, first thing, and get two of those in her, just in case. That way, if something goes Copyright 2016 - 2024