A Lie for a Lie (All In) - Helena Hunting Page 0,79

with fever. “I need to get dressed and pick Kody up from day care.”

“You’re not going anywhere. I’ll pick up Kody—you lie here and get some rest.”

“But I—”

“Lainey.” I put a gentle hand on her shoulder to keep her from sitting up. “You need to let me help you. You don’t want to risk Kody catching what you have.”

Lainey’s eyes flare. “Oh God, I didn’t think of that.”

“I’m here, and I want to be involved. Let me show you I can do this with you.”

She settles back on her pillows with a groan, teeth still chattering even though she has ten blankets piled on top of her.

“Do you want me to get you something warmer to wear?”

She pulls the covers up to her chin. “N-no. I’ll get the s-sweats, and then I’ll have to t-take it off anyway. I’ll s-stop s-shivering eventually.”

There’s no way I’m leaving her here alone when her teeth are chattering like she’s in a freezer. I round the other side of the bed and strip off my shirt.

“What’re you d-doing?” Lainey asks.

“I’m gonna make you warm.” I fold back the covers and slide under them.

“B-but I’ll make you sick.”

“I’ll be fine unless you try to make out with me.” I scoop her up and settle her in my lap, wrapping my arms around her.

She’s too tired to resist or even consider fighting me on it, so she snuggles right in, tucking her frozen feet between my thighs. Her clammy forehead rests against the side of my neck, and she settles her palms against my chest. “You’re s-so warm.”

“Big teddy bear, remember?”

“Mmm. I remember.”

Her hair tickles my arm, and I run my hand gently up and down her leg, waiting for the shivers to subside.

She keeps shifting in my lap, and despite that fact that she’s sick as a dog, my body starts to react inconveniently to her proximity, the feel of her hands on my chest, and the inadvertent friction.


“Yeah, baby?”

“Is your phone in your pocket?”

“No. Why? You need me to call someone?”

She wriggles around some more in my lap. “No, but there’s something hard—oh.” She lifts her head, bloodshot eyes meeting mine. She covers her mouth with her palm, and for a moment I worry she’s going to be sick again, until she asks, “Are you . . . do you have a hard-on?”

I don’t bother fighting my grin as I lift a shoulder and let it fall. “You’re doing a lot of moving around. Some parts of my body are inconsiderate and don’t really care that you’re sick.”

“I look like hell, and I probably smell terrible.” She drops her hand, giving me a quick glimpse of her smile before she snuggles back into me. Eventually the shivering subsides and her breathing evens out. Once I’m sure she’s asleep, I move her off my lap and cover her in blankets.

I make sure she has everything she needs before I put my shirt back on.

I wash my hands in the bathroom down the hall, making a mental note to call Lainey’s housekeeper so she can come in and disinfect. The last thing any of us needs is for this to be passed along.

I grab Lainey’s keys so I can return Eden’s to her, then rush back to pick up Kody. I’m grateful Lainey had me added to her very short list of approved adults who can pick him up. Currently it’s Lainey herself, Eden, and me. I’m happy to note Walter has never been given that privilege.

“Lainey working late tonight?” Kristen, one of the day care providers, asks as she leads me over to where Kody and the other infants sit in their activity centers, playing with the light-up buttons or squeezy, crinkly things. One of the other staff is sitting cross-legged on the floor, keeping them entertained.

“She’s not feeling well, so I thought it would be a good idea for me to come pick up Kody. How’s he been today?”

“He’s been great—slept well this afternoon, and he’s really loving the cereal Lainey’s been sending with him. There’s a flu bug going around, so we’ve been watching all the kids closely and, of course, making sure everyone is washing their hands.”

“I don’t think working at an aquarium with thousands of people going through on a daily basis helps much with the germ exposure.” I crouch down so I’m at Kody’s level. “How’s my little man?” I lean in and give him a kiss on the forehead, checking to make sure he’s not hot too. He smiles

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