The Library of the Unwritten - A. J_ Hackwith Page 0,36

caught it, gave it a careful heft, and sighted down the end of the blade. Claire took the moment to take silent stock of him. He certainly had the air of a hero, capable, with confidence that irritated like a hangnail. Still, Claire was more used to shelving characters than trusting them.

Hero cast an unreadable glance at her. “Adequate.”

“Excellent.” Claire waited until he’d stripped the blade’s sheath from the suit of armor and secured the weapon across his back. She started down the aisle again. “We need to get straight on a few things before we leave.”

“Is this where we swear to be true and loyal in the face of certain death? Your short acquaintance has already branded me.” Hero held up the wrist that had been stamped.

“Which is the only reason I’m bringing you along,” Claire said. That and a swashbuckling hero could not hurt their odds if that angel showed up again. Her little group needed him. That was an unfortunate fact he didn’t need to know.

“Not worried I’ll slip the leash again?”

“Oh, I’m sure you would try. I just trust my leash more.” Claire allowed him to catch up as they turned a corner. “I have no doubt you’ll do as I say, when I say. But I need you to swear to something outside of that.”

Hero sniffed. “No, thanks. I’ve reached my inconvenient-oath quota for the year.”

“I will make it worth your time.”

“I doubt that.”

Claire stopped. They could hear Brevity’s high, clear voice chattering at the far end of the aisle as books thumped around. “Inspiration.”

Hero narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“You wanted your author to write her books. I happen to be on excellent working terms with the muses.”

“It seems to me that the Library’s relationship with the muses is more adversarial than collaborative.”

“Nonsense.” Claire waved her hand to cover the fact that his perception was entirely accurate. “We all care about the well-being of authors and books. Serve admirably on this trip, maybe I will suggest more focused efforts for young Miss McGowan.”

There was a gleam in Hero’s eyes that had not been present before. “What admirable service do you have in mind?”

“Protect them,” Claire said. Too quickly, too urgently. That was a misplay when dealing with a hero who seemed as contrary as a tomcat. She picked her next words carefully. “You’re duty bound to do as I say, but I cannot foresee how this ill-advised errand will go. If I am not there to command you, Hero, I want your oath that you’ll not abandon Brevity and Leto—or Andras, I suppose, though he can take care of himself. See they return safely to the Library, to the best of your ability.”

The gazes of both fell to the suit of armor capping the aisle. The hero leaned against it, draping one arm over the knight’s shoulder as he eyed the librarian. “Why?”

“Why? Because I offered to inspire your auth—”

“No, I mean, why do your assistant and your puppy-eyed hanger-on deserve my protection?”

Claire chewed on the inside of her cheek. Truth was a gamble, but then all of this was. Claire hated gambles. “Because I’m not the monster you think I am. And I fervently hope, somewhere under that ridiculous coat, you’re not the childish brat I think you are. Brev is going to be librarian one day. A muse. First of her kind to run a wing of the Library, and she will deserve every bit of it. She’s clever, quick, and has more heart than I do. Maybe she’ll even be able to offer the unwritten that better life you seem to be obsessed with.”

“And the demon?”

“Leto.” Claire emphasized the name. “Leto is human, and may be more than meets the eye.”

“A demonic book is on the loose, the world in peril, and you ask me to guard children.” Hero shook his head. “What priorities. I would have thought you would make me swear on my life to retrieve the codex pages without you.”

Claire’s lips twitched. “I hadn’t thought of that. Can I get you to do both?”

Hero’s snort was a decided answer.

“I’ll stick with protecting Brev and Leto, then.” She took off toward the end of the aisle. “If you aren’t interested in my offer, of course, I could just lock you in with the damsels.”

“Damsels? What are—” Hero had to untangle himself from the armor before sprinting to keep up. “Slow down, damnable woman!”

“What, you thought you were the only book to ever wake up?” Claire stopped in front Copyright 2016 - 2024