The Librarian of Boone's Hollow - Kim Vogel Sawyer Page 0,55

at the library, munching the tender grass close to the bushes. Bettina gave Mule’s reins a toss over a mountain holly and darted inside the building. Alba had a full pack draped over her shoulder, and Miz West was sitting at the table, poking books inside Glory’s pack. Bettina cringed. She’d dawdled too much.

She stepped close to the table and turned what she hoped was a remorseful look on the librarian. “I’m sorry I’m late, ma’am. Pap set me to some extra chores this mornin’, an’—” A girl with eyes as brown as a wet walnut shell and wavy goldish-brown hair pulled into a loose tail sat in the second chair.

The girl stood up and took a step toward Bettina with her hand reaching out. “You must be Bettina. Glory and Alba were telling me about you.”

A flutter went through Bettina’s middle. What’d they say?

“I’m Adelaide Cowherd. But everyone calls me Addie.”

Bettina hadn’t ever shook hands with another girl. She didn’t want to do it now. Not after hanging on to Mule’s sticky reins. But she didn’t know what else to do. So she gave the girl’s fingers a quick squeeze and then jammed her hands into her dungaree pockets. “Howdy.”

She looked Addie up and down. They must grow girls taller in the city, because Addie stood at least two inches higher than Glory, who was maybe three inches taller than Bettina. She wore a yellow-and-white-striped dress, with short puffed sleeves and real lace around the cuffs and collar. Her shoes were brown, with heels and a little strap that buttoned on the side. Bettina couldn’t help but stare. How would she get on a horse’s back in that fancy outfit? But boy, oh boy, what Bettina would give to have a dress and shoes like hers.

Glory nudged Bettina on the shoulder. “Miss West said Addie’s gonna stay here today instead o’ goin’ on a route.”

That explained the outfit. Bettina turned to Miz West. “How come?”

Miz West’s lips puckered up the way Maw’s had when Pap came in pickled. “She requires a day to settle in, Bettina. She doesn’t yet have a horse to take on a route, and she needs to arrange lodging.”

Bettina rocked on her heels. “Lodgin’ is all settled.” She whisked her smile back and forth between the new girl and Miz West. “That’s part o’ why I was so late. I was makin’ up her room. My pap says she can stay with us for two dollars a week.”

Addie puckered her lips, too. She reached for Bettina again and brushed her fingertips on Bettina’s checkered sleeve. “That’s very kind of you, Bettina, but I’m going to stay with a lady.”

“What lady?”

Alba snickered. “She’s fixin’ to stay with Nanny Fay.”

Bettina’s mouth dropped open. “What?” She had it all worked out in her head. This new book gal couldn’t go and ruin it now. “Why’re you stayin’ with her? I got everything ready for you.”

Addie’s face went pink. “I’m so sorry you went to so much trouble. Maybe if I’d known…”

She would’ve known if she’d asked. Bettina stomped her bare foot. “Only a fool would take up with Nanny Fay. She’s a witch. She—”

“Bettina, Bettina.” Miz West took hold of Bettina’s wrist and gave it a gentle shake. “We shouldn’t speak so unkindly of someone.”

Bettina yanked loose. “Even if it’s the truth?”

The librarian stood and looked Bettina straight in the face. “It isn’t the truth. There are no witches in Boone’s Hollow.”

The mad she thought she’d got rid of came back stronger than ever. Bettina huffed. “But Nanny Fay ain’t from Boone’s Holler. Not a livin’ soul in these parts knows where she come from. My pap says she—”

“I already know what your father and too many others in this town say.” Miz West gave Bettina such a glower that Bettina looked aside. “And I don’t believe one word of it. Nanny Fay is a kind old woman who has opened her home to Addie. It’s up to Addie to choose where she wants to stay, and she’s chosen Nanny Fay’s place. Now, that’s the end of it.”

Bettina gritted her teeth for a few seconds, thinking hard. Then she swung her attention to Addie. “How much you payin’ her? Me an’ Pap, we’ll take less. Dollar an’ a half a week.” Bettina’d have to make up the other fifty cents out of her pay, but it would be worth the sacrifice to keep from getting whopped and being able to see Emmett more. She leaned closer Copyright 2016 - 2024