The Librarian of Boone's Hollow - Kim Vogel Sawyer Page 0,24

her eyes open. She stomped over and smacked Glory on the arm. “Ain’t only kissin’ that’s romantic, Glory Ashcroft. You think he’d snatch me up an’ kiss me out in the middle o’ town? He was bein’ a gentleman, treatin’ me like a lady. That’s romantic, too.”

Glory rubbed her arm and scowled. “Don’t seem to me it was all so special if all he did was hug you. Shootfire, anytime me an’ Shay are alone, we always—”

“We ain’t talkin’ about you an’ Shay. We’re talkin’ about me an’ Emmett.”

Glory hung her head. Her chin quivered.

Bettina sighed. She brushed Glory’s shoulder with her fingertips. “Sorry I whacked you like I did.” Although that little whop wasn’t even close to what Pap’d do if she didn’t get herself home soon. “Reckon I’m a little wrought up, seein’ Emmett after bein’ apart for so long an’ then havin’ to tell him goodbye so quick. He needed to get on home to see his folks.”

Glory peeked at Bettina. Her eyes sparkled, and a little grin curved her lips. “I get some wrought up myself when I ain’t had time alone with Shay for a while. I don’t hold no grudge against you for bein’ tetchy.” She grabbed Bettina in a quick hug. “You wait ’til Emmett sees you next. He’ll get to kissin’ you right quick.”

Bettina gave Glory a squeeze and stepped free. “An’ afterward, I’ll come tell you all about it. Every little romantic bit.”

Glory grinned.

“Glory? Glory, where are you, girl?” The warbling voice blasted from outside.

Glory aimed a frown in the direction of the lean-to’s opening. “That’s Maw. I gotta go.”

“Go, then. But don’t tell her I was here.”

Glory nodded and scuttled out, calling, “Comin’, Maw!”

“What’re you doin’ in with the donkey an’ goats? Land’s sake, girl, sometimes I—” The slam of a door cut off the rest of Mrs. Ashcroft’s words.

Bettina waited a little, then skedaddled home. She hadn’t realized Glory was doing so much kissing with Shay Leeson. Maybe she should’ve asked how Glory and Shay did it. The kissing she’d done so far sure hadn’t felt the way it looked in the picture shows.

Up there on the screen, the hero and heroine stared all dreamy like into each other’s eyes and held each other like they was made of fine porcelain. No boy had held her like she was made of porcelain. And no boy took the time to stare in her eyes, either. Just grabbed, puckered, and mashed his lips to hers. Sometimes she wanted to push whoever it was away. Probably because she’d only kissed boys who didn’t hold no piece of her heart. Emmett, though, he owned her whole heart. When they kissed for the first time, it’d be even better than anything in the movies.

Her heart danced in her chest, making her feel light as air. She’d see him at church tonight. Maybe he’d ask to walk her home. It’d be the gentlemanly thing to do, and Emmett was a gentleman. Maybe after tonight’s singing service, she’d get her first romantic kiss. Then she’d tell Pap. And she could plan her wedding for real.


“ ‘BRINGIN’ IN THE SHEAVES, bringin’ in the sheaves, we shall come rejoyyyycin’, bringin’ in the sheaves!’ ”

Emmett’s doldrums got washed away midway through the third hymn. How could a fellow let sadness hold him captive while singing such rollicking songs? Especially when he was sitting next to Maw, who sang with such gusto the flowers on her hat jiggled. She’d donned her straw hat with the wide pink ribbon and cluster of pink silk roses sewn to the front brim—her “special day hat,” she called it. This was a special day because Emmett was home again. Even if he wasn’t home “fer good,” as she’d put it during supper, having him with her gave her joy, and her joy was contagious. So he smiled while he sang, his bass a complement to her soprano.

On his other side, Dusty sang loud. For a little fellow, he had some big lungs. He belted out every word, always about three notes off pitch. And that only made Emmett smile more. Because Dusty didn’t care a bit about whether or not he matched the notes. Paw couldn’t match the notes, so he never came to the singings. But Dusty made a joyful noise, the way the Bible said people should. His joy also rubbed off on Emmett. Even if he was only here for a short spell, he’d carry away good feelings when he went to…wherever Copyright 2016 - 2024