The Librarian of Boone's Hollow - Kim Vogel Sawyer Page 0,130

you, I seen enough movies to reckanize when a feller’s got his sights set on a gal. He loves you.”

Addie held her breath, hardly daring to believe Bettina’s words.

“An’ when you have your weddin’ day, it’d make me plumb proud if you wore the purty dress I bought at the Lynch store.” Bettina snickered, the sound mischievous. “ ’Course, we’ll hafta stitch somethin’ extra around the hem to make it long enough for you, seein’ as how you’re so much taller’n me, but I reckon Miz Tharp’ll know how to fix it.” She searched Addie’s eyes, her expression so hopeful it brought the sting of tears. “Will you wear it, Addie? It’d let me know you really have forgave me for all the mean things I did.”

Addie embraced the younger woman. She’d prayed for a friend, and God couldn’t have sent a better one. “Everything’s forgiven, Bettina, and I’d be honored to wear your dress.” She pulled back. “But Emmett’s never said a thing to me about marriage. This might all be your imagination.”

Impishness glittered in Bettina’s hazel eyes. “It ain’t my ’magination. You wait an’ see.”

The door opened, allowing in a rush of cold air, and Alba and Glory burst into the room, giggling. Emmett followed them. He closed the door with his foot and then put his hands on his waist. “If you two don’t stop laughing at me, you’ll find coal in your stockings this year.” They laughed harder and crossed to the table. “And stay out of those cookies. They’re for the guests.”

“My maw’s the one who baked ’em all,” Glory said, “so I reckon I can eat ’em if I want to.” She snapped a sugar-dusted cookie in half and shared it with Alba, grinning.

Addie stood. After Bettina’s statement about Emmett’s being in love, Addie was half-afraid to meet his gaze. She looked at his new suit instead. Oh, how handsome and professional he appeared in the charcoal-gray broadcloth. Her heart rolled over. But then she realized something was wrong. “Why aren’t you wearing the Santa costume?” Daddy had dressed as Santa for the Georgetown bank’s Christmas party for as far back as Addie could remember. He’d sent the suit with the books for their library Christmas gathering, stipulating only that Addie bring it back with her when she came home for Christmas. He wanted to don it on Christmas Eve and give out token gifts to the other boarders at Fee’s. Always giving…Her parents set such a wonderful example of charity.

Emmett made a face and pointed with his thumb at Glory and Alba. “That’s what they’re teasing me about. I couldn’t fit into the suit. I was too tall. Maw talked Paw into wearing it, and he’ll play Santa tonight.”

Addie gaped at him in amazement. “Your paw is coming…as Santa?”

Emmett grinned. “I know. I reckon he’s mellowing some.” He leaned down a bit. “His biggest concern was Dusty figuring out who was underneath the beard and spoiling it for all the kids. I sure hope he can sneak over here without Dusty putting two and two together.”

After Bettina’s bold speculations, having Emmett so close did funny things to Addie’s pulse. She took a step sideways and forced a smile. “Dusty will be too excited to notice who’s underneath the Santa hat.”

“I hope you’re right.” He flicked a nervous glance out the window. “And I hope he hurries. We said the door would open at seven, but folks’ll probably start showing up earlier, and we can’t leave them standing out in the cold.”

“If Santa makes a grand entrance, it will add to the festivities rather than detract.”

The creases in his forehead didn’t relax.

She nudged him lightly. “Stop worrying. This is going to be the best Christmas party the town’s ever seen.”

Townsfolk began arriving at a few minutes before seven. The surprise and excitement of those who were in the building when Santa Claus came through the door at five minutes past thrilled Addie. She whispered to Emmett that they’d probably talk about it each Christmas for the next twenty years.

With Bettina, Glory, and Alba’s help, Santa distributed books to every child age twelve and younger, and they sneaked a few to older kids, too. People came and went, but the room was crowded the entire hour and a half Emmett had set aside for the open house. Nanny Fay and Addie worked together to keep the cookie platters filled. A few people drew back when they realized who was serving them, but none refused Copyright 2016 - 2024