Liar (Madison Kate #2) - Tate James Page 0,50

degree and only because I didn't know what else to do. I'll actually graduate after these exams, if I don't pick up any other classes for the sake of it."

It sort of fit with his whole vibe of not knowing where his future was going. But his casual attitude made me curious about his family again. How had they shifted from trying to make him some kind of piano prodigy to no longer being involved in their son's life? Had that happened before Rachel's death, or after?

I let it go, though, knowing he'd tell me his story when he was ready. Instead, I shifted my attention to the silent, brooding asshole in the driver's seat. "Archer?" I prompted.

"What?" he snapped back, barely even sparing me a quick glance.

"Any exams this week?"

His brow twitched. "Why do you care? Trying to figure out our movements so you can hatch some diabolical revenge plot while we're out of the house?"

My mood soured. "Or maybe I was just making conversation," I muttered back, folding my arms and sinking back into my seat.

"Well, don't," he growled, then turned the stereo on. Loud. "Shut Up" from New Years Day pounded from the car speakers, and I glowered. It was probably a coincidence, but still... this was Archer we were talking about. He could have had that cued up in preparation.

It made me think I really did need to plan something, seeing as he was constantly accusing me of plotting. Besides, he still fucking deserved some payback after that bullshit he pulled in the weapons room behind Phillip's office.

The next couple of hours mostly consisted of music blasting through the truck, interspersed with the guys fighting over what track should be played next. I didn't bother trying to engage them in conversation again because my pride hadn't appreciated Archer's shut down.

About an hour outside of Shadow Grove, Kody started loudly complaining about being hungry and was soon joined by Steele. I expected Archer to ignore them—seeing as we'd had a huge spread for breakfast again—but he surprised me by pulling off the highway and into a roadside diner’s parking lot.

"What?" he demanded when I gave him a quizzical stare. "I need the calories."

Rolling my eyes, I gave myself a mental reminder that I now lived with three fully grown dudes who spent a hell of a lot of time in the gym. So yeah, they really did need to eat like the apocalypse was coming.

I followed the three of them into the diner and slid into the bench seat beside Steele. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer until our thighs touched, then left his hand on my hip as he browsed the menu, pretending not to notice Archer's pointed glare.

"Burger," Steele declared as a smiling waitress came over to take our orders. "I need a burger."

I hadn't even looked at the menu, but was still full from breakfast anyway, so I just ordered a Coke. No way in hell was I trusting the coffee in a middle-of-nowhere diner with all of four customers.

"So, I guess you two made up then," Archer commented with a sneer in his voice. His glare at Steele was disapproving and angry, but Steele's arm around me just tightened and he dropped a kiss to my shoulder.

"Don't know what you're talking about, Arch," he replied, sounding like he was trying hard not to laugh. It took me a minute, but I soon clicked that Archer had no idea Steele and I had worked through our issues already.

Archer's brow dropped further, and the look he gave me was pure venom. "I had you pegged for a girl who didn't take kindly to being messed around on. Didn't you hear Steele getting his rocks off on Thanksgiving morning with some chick? She sounded like she was having fun too." A cruel smile touched his lips like he was enjoying hurting me. Or... trying to hurt me. Sucker. "I guess your standards are lower than I realized."

I gave him a fake apologetic shrug. "You're right. I mean, I let you kiss me, after all. My standards are practically nonexistent." His smile slipped, and Kody started snickering behind his hands, which were covering his face. "Oh, and for the record? That girl with Steele was having a lot of fun." I leaned into Steele more, placing a kiss on his neck tattoo before meeting Archer’s eyes again. "Double orgasm fun, some might say."

Archer's face drained of color as he processed what I Copyright 2016 - 2024