Liar Liar - Donna Alam Page 0,42

between us gripped and tortured as his big hand cups my backside, his fingers as unforgiving as his lips.

‘I’ve dreamed of your mouth.’ Oh, God. His husky admission and the feel of him hot and hard pressed against me makes me ache. ‘Tell me you’ve dreamed of me.’

‘Only in my fantasies.’

Breath catches in my throat as he twists my braid around his fist, his words growled into my neck.

‘Je veux te baiser.’

‘You know I don’t understand.’

His response is a silky chuckle as he begins to gather my dress in small increments against my thigh. ‘I said I want to fuck you.’ His words bloom and burst in my belly. Is it his lips at my ear that make me shiver, or is it the way his accent thickens, his words sounding more promise than threat?

‘Not exactly subtle.’ Hell, was that a reprimand or a compliment? I can’t be sure, not as his fingers brush lightly between my legs.

‘I want to put my mouth here. Do those words work for you?’

‘They’re a little better.’ Not to mention a little knee weakening.

‘Good. Because I also plan on fucking you with my tongue.’

Oh, my God. Where do I sign up?

‘Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?’ I manage to say instead.

‘Non.’ Remy spins, and suddenly, I’m the one resting against the desk, his mouth on mine and his hands everywhere. ‘This mouth is for kissing you. And I want to kiss you everywhere.’



This mouth is for kissing you.

I want to kiss you everywhere.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes.’ I glance across the darkened car, managing to shoot Fee a tight yet grateful smile. ‘I’m fine. I suppose it’s just been a long day. Thank you so much for picking me up. I don’t know how I’d have made it back without you.’

She waves away my thanks. ‘I don’t mind driving around town out of peak hours. It’s actually quite therapeutic.’

I could be lying across a desk right now being kissed everywhere. But that would be wrong, no matter how much I wanted it.

‘Still, thank you. You should be at home with a glass of wine, not driving across the border to pick up stupid people.’

Wine, yes. Thank God I picked up a couple of bottles over the weekend. I can’t afford to get shit-faced tonight, but I need a little something to take away the mortification.

‘You’re not stupid,’ Fee replies with a tinkling laugh. ‘You’re just new here, which is exactly why I’m surprised no one gave any thought to you getting back to the accommodation block on your first day.’ She follows her words with a disparaging click of teeth and tongue.

‘It’s not so surprising really. He didn’t even know there was a staff bus.’ The words are out of my mouth without thought. I fight to keep my eyes straight because I can’t afford for her to read my expression. In fact, there’s no way I’m ever telling anyone about the compromising situation I put myself in.

‘Who didn’t know about the bus?’

‘The man I was shadowing this afternoon. I can’t remember his name.’

I hope the same can be said for whoever interrupted us just as Remy’s hand was about to slip into my underwear. I’d stiffened at the sound of the door, Remy’s mouth rising slowly from where he’d been whispering in very explicit terms how much he wanted me. My wide eyes had shot to his, trying to convey my panic. My first day at work, and I’d been discovered under the boss—way to go, Rose.

‘Your timing, as always, is impeccable, Everett,’ he’d murmured. It wasn’t the response I was expecting as, still shielding me, his fingers had unhurriedly refastened the buttons he’d worked loose as he’d pressed a petal-soft kiss against my cheek.

It was probably for the best that we were interrupted, but that doesn’t mean the asshole should’ve taken a seat on the sofa behind him.

‘You said six o’clock,’ the man replied. An English accent. The same guy who annoyed Remy’s secretary, maybe? Whoever he was, he was definitely amused.

‘Ta mère,’ Remy drawled without heat.

‘Sure,’ he’d drawled in reply. ‘But if you’ve the energy to fuck my mother after you’ve finished here, you’re doing something wrong.’

Remy continued to shield my body and held out his hand to help me down from the desk. I couldn’t look at him, utterly mortified as I was. As I still am. When he’d turned to address the man fully, growling a catalogue of French insults, I’d taken the opportunity to tiptoe across the room Copyright 2016 - 2024