Liar Liar - Donna Alam Page 0,178

are not . . .’

‘Santa Claus?’ I ask as he makes a fat-ist gesture with his hand.

‘What?’ Fee asks, her head swinging to Charles.

‘He’s asking there’s going to be a shotgun wedding.’ My mouth twists. ‘What do you think, Charlie?’

‘I think nothing. I say nothing. I see nothing. I speak—’

‘Too much,’ Olga says, striding into the office. ‘So, you will be leaving us soon?’

‘Nope. Unless you know something I don’t.’

‘I only know a rich man will not want his wife running around after other rich men. Or women, for that matter. It is not done.’

‘Well, I’ll let you know when I’m a rich man’s wife. But for now, I’ll be at my desk, like always.’

I’d find it hard to describe the look she sends my way before her door slams.

‘She’s jealous,’ Fee whispers. ‘Charles told me she used to have a thing with Remy’s dad, Emile?’

‘Really?’ I’m not sure why I’m pulling a face. Pot, meet kettle much?

Charles glances up from his laptop and sort of shrugs. ‘I only know I saw her wis him once.’

‘That doesn’t necessarily mean anything, does it?’

‘It depends on what she was doing on ’er knees.’

I roll in my lips to keep myself from laughing.

‘That is so bad,’ Fee whispers, her gaze sliding to Olga’s office door. ‘Oh, bloody hell!’ she says, glancing at her watch. ‘I’m going to be late for my afternoon spin class. I just wanted to pop in and offer you my congratulations!’ she squeals a little again, throwing her arms around my shoulders and giving me one heck of a hug. ‘Let’s catch up soon, yeah? And you can tell me all about your wedding plans.’

‘Sure!’ Not that there’s much to tell so far. All I know is Remy’s keen to get married sooner rather than later, and I’m all for that. We’ve even talked about the idea of honeymooning in Australia so I can introduce him Amber and her little tribe and, of course, Aussie wines.

‘Urgh,’ I find myself complaining as my phone buzzes with a text. ‘I have to schlep out to Monaco One.’

‘Why?’ Charles looks up and pulls a face. ‘It is too ’ot outside today for shopping. Go to a mall not outdoors.’

‘I can’t. I’ve got a pickup at Max Mara for a client.’

‘Too bad. You will get big hair, but you can bring me back a bubble tea? Kiwi, please.’

‘I’ll think about it,’ I reply, grabbing my purse from my desk drawer.

As I’m on my way out of the office, my cell rings with a withheld number.

‘Hello, Rose speaking.’

‘Rose, this is Benoît. Congratulations! Remy just told me the good news.’

‘Thank you.’ My smile spills from my words as I glance down at my ring again. I’m just so happy! Maybe I should get engaged every day. ‘What can I do for you, Ben?’

‘I wondered if you’d have time to meet me for a coffee this afternoon.’

Really? Pourquoi? Or in other words, why?

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ And I hope that sounded sincere. ‘But I’m at work until five and we have dinner reservations for seven.’

‘Maybe I could visit before you leave?’

I feel my expression twist. Remy has been pretty clear about his feelings about Ben. I think he’s still smarting a little he took it upon himself to explain Remy’s involvement with Amélie, even if his cousin was trying to do him a favour, I’m sure.

‘I’m not sure that would be a good idea,’ I hedge. ‘By the time I get home, the turnaround time isn’t great. You know, with us living outside of the city these days.’

‘Ah, yes. I forgot. Why don’t I meet you at the restaurant, then? It would save me the drive. It really is quite important.’

Not so important that he’d try to save himself the inconvenience of a little drive out of the city.

‘Look, I’m on my way to Monaco One now. Can you meet me there?’

‘Perfect. The café near the apartments? Say, thirty minutes?’


I hang up and make my way to the mall, reaching it in plenty of time to visit Max Mara first. When I get to the café, Ben is already sitting at a table in the far corner. He stands as I approach and, his hands resting on my shoulders, he presses his lips to my cheek. Once, twice.

‘I ordered,’ he says, pushing a tiny espresso cup and saucer across the table towards me. ‘Café crème. That’s right, yes?’

I nod even though it isn’t my go-to order. As I bring it to my lips, I repress a shiver Copyright 2016 - 2024