Lexi Cocker - Faleena Hopkins Page 0,7

leaning on it. “Hop in.”

But she doesn’t. Instead, her gaze travels down and back up my body like she’s surveying the goods. I’m holding back a smile, amused as fuck.

“Like what you see?”


“Me too.”

She nibbles her bottom lip — totally subconscious but a huge turn on — spins around and takes a slow stroll around my prized possession.

All the way around.


“This is a classic.”

Each time she passes me with hips naturally swaying in those tight jeans — no effort, just fuckin’ hot.

“It’s a 1976.”

Her hand slides down the length of one of the bars, admiring how smooth it is. “You have this restored, or did you buy it like this?”


Lexi wraps her hands around my driver’s door since the window is down. “What d’ya mean, neither?”

“I mean, I didn’t have this restored and, when I bought it, it was a rusty hunk of junk.”

“You restored this yourself?”

“Wicked and smart.”

She laughs, running her index finger lightly across the hood on her way back to me. “I wouldn’t say my figuring that out indicates intelligence.”

We’re staring at each other.

Standing together.

Less than a foot apart.

Sizing up what’s going on.

What’s to come.

Who’s to cum.

If that’s even a good idea.

She didn’t think this through.

I know that for sure.

But I’m enjoying myself.

I’ll wait to see how it plays.

“I might not get in the truck.”

“Your choice, Cherry.”

Naked lips tug up, creating a little dimple in one cheek I hadn’t noticed until now. Looks like she’s only got the one. “I’m thirsty, Gage.”

“You like my name?”


“Don’t want me to go back to Ira?”

She grins, “No.”

“Wanna go back inside?”

She blanches, “No way,” face softening as she looks at me. “But I am thirsty. You see…my beer went to someone else.”

“I appreciated it more than he did.”

A grin flashes, filled with vengeance. “Me too.”

My gaze drops to her lips.

Hers drops to mine.

I hook my arm around her.

Draw her close.

“You holding your breath?”

“No,” she lies, suddenly inhaling.

“Yeah, you were. Listen Cherry, if we’re gonna do this one-night-thing to get you over that guy, you’ve had enough lies. And I don’t find them interesting. Life’s too short for ‘em. I like to know where I am.”

She searches me, unsure if she should tell me to fuck off or kiss me.

I solve her problem, claiming her mouth in a kiss that’s slow.



Pressing her yielding body into my taut muscles, arms holding her tight, cock rising to the occasion, we lose ourselves.

No more parking lot.

No more Local.

No more questions.

Just this kiss.


We break free, look over at the approaching uniformed police officer whose frowning hard.

She sighs, “Oh shit. Let’s go!” and runs around me, jumps in my Bronco.

He grins, “Oh no you don’t,” still not in a hurry though. One of his hands is on his gun belt, other one waving the universal stop-gesture.

Despite that gun, I stroll around the back and hop in. “Another boyfriend?”


“Got it.” I hit the engine.

Lexi stands up, holding onto the black frame of my windshield, ass eye-level to me and I sure don’t mind.

“Wyatt, I told your brother, I’m not your sister so don’t pull this shit. I’ve already got three brothers who want to cage us!”

Wyatt’s his name, huh?

It sticks in my head for some reason. Same with Nate, Sam and Zoe. They’re like a song on repeat as I cock an eyebrow at him to see if he’ll give me room to leave with her, or continue to blockade our exit.

Wyatt chuckles, shaking his head, “This is Brad, isn’t it. I finally get to see Brad in the flesh.” He steps aside. “He doesn’t seem so bad. Nice ride. Normal looking. Why the secret?!”

“No more secrets. He’s not Brad.” She slides into her seat as I drive away, holding up her arms and yelling, “And I’m going to fuck him tonight!”

Through the rearview I see Wyatt laugh, cupping his hands to shout, “You’re a Cocker alright, but you should’ve been born a boy!”

Lexi wiggles in her seat and smiles, “As if there was ever any doubt.”

Chapter Five


I love driving with wind in my hair on a warm southern night like this one, every now and then receiving the gift of night-blooming jasmine filling my lungs with fresh sweetness.

But jasmine is elusive. That’s one of its charms. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always turned my body to capture it for as long as I can, happy it wasn’t possible, the chase making it special.

Speaking of special - that kiss was incredible.

I was enjoying the flirtation, too. How confident he was just leaning on that door,

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