Let Freedom Ring - Weston Parker Page 0,55

investigation into this latest transgression of yours. Once it has been concluded, the decision will be made on whether you will be dishonorably discharged.”

Red-hot flames erupted from the stakes already lodged in my most vital organs. My ears rang and my muscles tightened so much I worried they might snap, but I still didn’t move or say a word.

“Of course,” Charles muttered, then pursed his lips in disappointment and shook his head again. It seemed to be a favorite pastime of his where I was involved. “You’re dismissed, Dobbs. Someone will contact you in due course.”

I reacted on auto pilot, snapping my fingers to my forehead once more before pivoting on my heels and marching my ass out of that office. Anguish rolled through me as memories lit up my previously dulled mind. It was like a highlight reel for my career had already been compiled and was now playing out for only me to see.

The worst thing of all was that I really had done nothing but follow orders this time. It seemed I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t.

The investigation would happen, but I doubted it’d be enough to save me. Not now. Not anymore. Too much had happened.

I wouldn’t lose hope completely until they shoved those papers into my hands, but as I left the base, I felt a fissure opening up in my heart. The chances of me ever coming back to do my job—while I still had one—weren’t very high.

I wasn’t only leaving the job behind, but I was also leaving my teammates behind. I would have been able to live with it if Eden hadn’t been back there, too. Somehow, I would have to find a way to make good on my vow to him.

I needed to be there to support him while he recovered. It wouldn’t be easy gaining access to my friend, but I was fucking determined to make it happen. No matter what, they weren’t taking Eden from me, too.

Chapter 20


My father stormed back into the house in a rage several hours after he’d left. I still hadn’t been able to reach Lincoln, and fear was now a living thing inside me. With both of them possibly being affected by whatever this incident had been, I couldn’t help the worry coursing through me.

All the time Dad had been gone, I’d been pacing in our living room. After trying Lincoln a few more times, I’d decided to wait until Dad got back before calling him again.

The door ricocheted without catching with the force of Dad’s slam, but he didn’t even seem to notice. I’d collected his phone from the lawn earlier and plugged it into the charger, and he spotted it almost immediately.

Lunging for it, he punched in a number and ripped it off the cable before disappearing into his office. I could barely make out his muffled voice from inside it, but he was definitely beyond pissed.

It took him another fifteen minutes before he came out of his study, and his gaze landed on me. The skin around his eyes was still tight, and his eyes themselves seemed almost hollow. As if he’d burned through his rage and had been left with nothing inside.

“Are you okay?” I asked tentatively. Dad had never hurt me and never would, but he looked like he’d been to hell and back. I didn’t want to push him too fast or too far, but I also desperately needed to know what was going on.

My instincts were screaming at me that Lincoln was involved, and if he was, I needed to know he was okay.

Dad shrugged, stalking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. He added twice the amount of instant powder he usually used, but I didn’t stop him.

“Two of my guys who were on suspension went on a mission. They disobeyed direct orders. It’s going to be a nightmare cleaning this up.” He sighed, hanging his head as he braced himself against the counter. His knuckles turned white from the grip he had on the granite. “I’m supposed to be retired, for fuck’s sake. It’s like he’s trying to give me a goddamn heart attack.”

I didn’t ask who. I didn’t have to. I already knew.

Blood pounded in my ears and I felt woozy. Reaching out for the couch when my knees turned numb, I gripped the backrest and managed to squeeze words out past the tightness of my throat.

“Are the guys okay?”

His gaze narrowed on the boiling kettle,

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