Let Freedom Ring - Weston Parker Page 0,11

since she’d learned to write. She’d also put that plan into motion as soon as she had been able to.

Haley and I were living proof that opposites not only attracted, but that when friendships between them worked, they worked for life.

“Sofia! When did you get home?” Her skinny arms wrapped around my neck, and she crushed me to her. “It’s so, so good to see you in real life. Screens just don’t do you justice.”

“Same to you.” I returned her hug with as much fierce enthusiasm. “I just got here less than an hour ago.”

“What? How did you convince Instructor Dad to let you come here so soon?” We let each other go, each taking a step back.

I shrugged. “He was busy with Olive. It didn’t take any convincing.”

“Ah.” She flashed me a knowing smile as she hopped up on a countertop in her industrial kitchen. “Good ol’ Olive, huh? How’s she looking?”

“Good. As always.” I grinned, planting my hands on the counter behind me and climbing up myself.

Haley had rented this space just about a year ago. In the early days of the deli, when I’d been home last summer, we’d spent a lot of time in here just like this. Except it had been empty then. A shell that had now been filled with appliances, kitchenware, delicious smells, and so much love. “How’s business?”

Her smile slipped a little. “It’s been okay. Tough but okay. I even hired a waitress to help, but things could be going better. Mom says I need to do more promotions.”

“Anything I can help you with?” I frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Waving her hand, she slid to the floor and moved back to the grill. “It’s nothing serious. I was just hoping to have built up a bit more of a buffer before I had to hire someone. It didn’t work out that way, and it’s stressing me out.”

“When you say ‘build up more of a buffer,’ how big is the buffer you’ve already built up? Is it, like, ‘you’d go bust after a day’ small, or ‘a pandemic could hit and you’d be okay for a couple of months but not longer’ small?”

The tips of her ears flushed red. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the top of her head, allowing me to see the telltale reddening of her ears and the back of her neck.

She sprinkled some spice into a bowl, humming as she avoided answering my question. “Well, you know, we’d be fine if we had to close for a day. Or a month or so.”

“I knew it.” I threw my hands up in the air, wiggling my butt on the counter. “You’re fine, but if your mom says you need more promotions and you’d like some help, just let me know.”

“Mom’s figuring out social media. For now, she’s on it.”

Single parents had raised both of us, but her mother and my father differed as much as the two of us.

My father’s strictness had inspired my slight rebellious streak, whereas her mother’s carefree attitude had led to her planning attributes.

I grinned, imagining her mother explaining to a computer why her positive vibes should make it do what she wanted it to. “Well, if Renee’s on it, that’s good. She’ll come up with super creative ads for sure.”

Haley laughed but sank her teeth into her lower lip once the tinkling sound faded. “Yeah, I’m a little scared about what she’s going to come up with. I’m glad you’re going to be around for the summer. If you’re not going to be too busy, maybe we should work on some ads with Mom sometime.”

“You got it. I have no plans except for the ones relating to Dad’s retirement.”

She snapped her fingers. “I knew I was forgetting something. When is that happening again?”

“The party’s tomorrow night. Want to come with me?” I did a shimmy with my shoulders. “We can meet some cute Navy guys there.”

“I’ve always loved your Dad, so I’ll be there.” She flashed me her adorable dimples when she smiled. “But I like the idea of meeting some cute Navy guys, too. I wonder if you’ll find one willing to dance with Charles’ daughter this time.”

“Charles is retiring,” I retorted. “Surely, that means I’ll have to be able to find at least one whose balls are no longer in his grip.”

It was a genuine problem for me. Finding a date or a dance partner when one’s father was as notorious as mine was a real drag.

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