Leopard's Prey - By Christine Feehan Page 0,89

was definitely distancing herself from him, and that was terribly dangerous, especially now.

One more roll and a silent scream and Blue was fully leopard. She came to her feet gingerly, regarding him warily, wild and feral and all female. Before he could move, she whirled around and sprinted toward the swamp. He changed on the run, using more speed than he ever had. He wasn’t going to lose her, not now, not when he was so close to making her his.

His leopard charged after Bijou, leaping over a fallen log and easily following her scent. The swamp closed around him, giving him the sense of freedom and wild he craved. This was his real world, one he understood and needed. That was part of the danger of being leopard, especially in shifting for the first time. There was no real way to explain to someone else the absolute freedom of being cat, and the temptation to stay in that form was always present.

Bijou was frightened and he’d clearly handled things wrong with her, so the lure of staying in the large cat’s form would be doubly so. He tried to stay rational, to use logic as he followed her trail, reasoning when his brain wanted to go feral on him. Usually, the first hour or so, when he ran free, he didn’t allow his human side to feel anything at all. He stayed fully animal, but he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.

Bijou’s leopard was small, very sleek with luxurious light buff, almost white fur with darker rosettes scattered everywhere. He was large for a leopard, even a male leopard, his coat a rare black with darker rosettes set into the fur so that they were barely discernible. He was powerful and enormously strong, thanks to the roped muscles covering his body. He had plenty of scars from numerous fights, and he’d always come away the victor. None of the males wanted to tangle with him—but over a female in heat—that could change. He didn’t want to kill a friend because he’d handled things with Bijou badly.

He was aware he was extremely dangerous in leopard form. His leopard was aggressive and cunning, a predator high up in the food chain, often surly and bad-tempered. With his female running from him, he was even more difficult and Remy sent up a silent prayer that no fisherman or local would be hunting in the swamp.

He spotted the female running along the embankment, splashing at the puddles with a delicate paw and jumping over small downed branches of cypress trees. Bijou had allowed the leopard to take over and was obviously enjoying her freedom, dropping low to slink under some branches and leaping effortlessly over others. She displayed agility and grace, easily making jumps to low branches and climbing the trunks of trees.

Every movement was sinuous and filled with grace. She twisted and turned, this way and that, showing off her flexible spine, clearly getting used to her new form, arching her back in a half circle and then leaping straight up to change direction in midair through a quick rotation of her hips. She looked beautiful as she moved with effortless elegance. She seemed to be playing, even as she exhibited the behavior of a female in heat.

She called out occasionally, and her voice would carry on the night, luring any males within hearing to her. She rubbed along the tree trunks, leaving a tantalizing scent behind. Seductively she rolled and stretched along the ground, among leaves and vegetation, just as quickly coming to her feet and moving deeper into the interior of the swamp.

He came up behind her as stealthily as possible, getting close enough to protect her and warn any other males off, without putting himself in danger. A female rebuffing a male could be very dangerous. He chuffed at her, calling out a soft hello, letting her know she wasn’t alone and he was answering her call.

The female whirled around, ears flat on her head, snarling, warning him off. He kept a respectful distance. Bijou was totally angry with him, and her cat protected her, even to warning off her mate. Remy swore at himself. He’d always bulldozed his way when he wanted something. He’d never really needed finesse. He was intelligent and like his leopard, cunning, strong and bad-tempered. He had control and discipline to offset the more negative traits of his leopard.

He chuffed at her again, letting her know he found her beautiful and alluring. She snarled

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