Legends of the Dragonrealm, Vol II - By Richard A. Knaak Page 0,272

None of them had been burned; they were just realizing that the storm of death had never taken place. Instead, the vague shape that Dru already recognized was beginning to draw their attention. Both sides were spellbound by the sight and each knew that the other was not responsible for this.

A rainbow of colors danced about the nearly complete outline of the great beast the guardian favored. It nearly made the form of the dragon itself look mottled, as if it had sprouted from the rainbow.

There will be no more war.

It was said with only the barest inflection, as if the speaker were such a power that this clash was only the least of annoyances. Dru allowed himself a brief, hidden smile. The guardian had a sense of theatrics, a sense of the greatest moment when it could best deliver its message. He understood why it had waited; it had known the Seekers would soon strike, perhaps even timed the encounter with Dru and the others so that they would arrive just a few minutes before. This drama was not merely being played for the Vraad. The guardian was assuring that the avians would have no desire to cross the seas again in a second quest for the secrets of the founders.

As if the last idea had already been transmitted to the Seekers, the avians tried to retreat, hoping, evidently, to hide in their aeries until the danger was over.

The fiery head of the dragon turned its burning gaze in the direction of a tall male avian who had to be the leader of the assault. You know the power I am. I will be heard or even the aeries will afford no comfort.

As one, the Seekers froze in the air, hovering as best they could and trying to seem as harmless as doves. More familiar with the potential of what towered before them, the guardian and the artifacts of the cavern smelling of the same sorcery, they knew better than to disobey so direct a command.

It would almost be best if the lands were cleansed of all of you! The peace would be restored. The balance would be maintained.

Vraad and Seekers became allies in fear. There were shouts and squawks, none of which made any sense from where Dru stood.

The mock dragon looked down upon the insignificant humans. There is little that redeems you, but a bargain has been made to preserve your existences, a bargain made by one who came among you.

The eyes of several dozen Vraad turned to view Dru with new wonder. Even Barakas studied his former ally with uncertainty… and why not? Had he not made the dragon the totem of the clan and emphasized its might so much that over the centuries he had come to believe in his own words?

It is not yet your time here. Perhaps in the future, when you have adapted to the land… or it has made you adapt. You will be taken to that place with the rest of your kind.

Several Tezerenee nodded in vigorous fashion, taking the words of the guardian as god-given law. Beside Dru, Gerrod snorted.

“Serves them right to think that thing’s their true lord,” he whispered with malevolent pleasure.

As to you, the draconian head once more focused on the Seekers. The future will decide your fate. Return to your aeries and work to make that fate one you will survive. These creatures are not for you, nor are the ways of the ancients. Do with this land. This will be the only warning you receive.

Knowing that they had been dismissed, the avians fluttered off in a panicked rout. Dru doubted the creatures would learn. They would probably avoid the continent to the east, but changing their ways otherwise was likely too much for even a deity, albeit a false one, to demand.

Let the one marked by silver lead you to your people and your home, the mock dragon uttered, its words taking on an even more imperious tone, and remember that there are those that watch over this land. You would do well to respect that.

Barakas, despite his fears, was not set to abandon everything just yet. He dared to stalk toward the blazing form and look up into what passed for its eyes. “Blood has been lost here! Blood of the Tezerenee! It cannot go un-avenged! This land is meant to be ours! You said as much! Why wait until later?”

There is a time for everything. Your time is not now. The blood

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