Legends of the Dragonrealm, Vol II - By Richard A. Knaak Page 0,244

was all the duo could tell other than the fact that they were mere seconds away. It was as if he had been searching for them.

“What should we do?” Xiri asked, deferring to Dru since this was his world, his madness. She knew little about the Vraad and looked as if she would have liked to keep it so.

“We find out who it is.” A dangerous decision, the sorcerer knew, but it might also be their best way to find out the state of things. Between the two of them, he felt they had a definite edge over the newcomer. It was even possible that they would find the intruder friendly. Not likely, of course, but still a possibility to consider.

The real reason, though Dru would have denied it after all he had been through, was that he was simply curious. His unexpected exodus had only temporarily cooled his inquisitiveness.

With the care only experience can bring, Dru and the elf made their way through the rubble of the courtyard and toward the sound of laughter. Neither was too concerned with silence. The newcomer’s laugh continually rose so high in volume that they doubted he could have heard them even if they had stood behind him and shouted.

Xiri was the first to see him as she peeked around the corner of a roofless building that had been, as far as Dru’s memory served, the place where he had first discussed his theories of ka travel with the patriarch. “He just sits there and laughs!”

Dru, looking over her, held his breath. “Rendel?”

It was indeed Rendel. The Tezerenee, clad in torn garments and looking as if he had risen from a harsh burial, sat on a battered bench. He was silent for the moment save for the gasping sounds he made as he gulped in air. Readying himself for another round of madness, Dru decided. What was Rendel doing here and where had he been?

“You know him?”

The tall Vraad nodded, unmindful of the fact that the elf had her back to him. “I’m going out there.”

“You should not!”

Her words went unheeded. Dru stepped out and walked toward Rendel, trying, all the while, to maintain an image of confidence he knew to be false. When he saw that the Tezerenee intended to laugh once more, Dru called out.

“Rendel! It’s me! Dru Zeree!”

The other Vraad leaped to his feet and shook his head. He was silent, though his mouth kept forming words.

“Rendel. I’m real. Where have you been? What happened to you?”

“What happened to me?” Rendel almost began laughing, but found the strength to resist. “What has not happened to me? You should ask that!”

Dru forced his own voice steady. “All right, Rendel. What happeened? Tell me.”

“It took everything away from me.” The tattered Tezerenee’s eyes revealed his close battle between sanity and madness. “Took it all away! I had worked so hard, given so much up!”

“Who did? Who took it from you?” Rendel’s lost prize did not concern Dru so much as what power had returned him from the realm beyond the veil to dark Nimth.

“A dragon. It rose from the depths of the earth… only it was not a dragon! It was the earth!”

A dragon formed from the earth itself? One of the guardians. One with a fondness, it seemed, for the form of that particular leviathan. “The guardian brought you here?”

If Rendel noted the familiarity with which Dru spoke of the ancient familiar the latter had befriended, then he made no sign. “Sent me here. Said it had already interfered more than it had been allowed. Assumed that if I made it back to… to where I was… from Nimth, then I was meant to be there.” His eyes snared Dru’s. “But there is no way to cross! We are trapped here, Master Dru!”

The brown-and silver-tressed spellcaster hesitated, wondering whether his response would weaken or strengthen Rendel’s sanity. He also wondered if he really wanted to tell the Tezerenee his belief.

Rendel, the remnants of his cloak wrapped around him, started to sit again. It was not clear whether he desired to continue with his pointless laughter, but Dru knew that listening to that much longer would drive him insane.

“There may be a way back… if you’ll listen to me.”

“There is no way back!”

Dru stepped closer. “I crossed to the shrouded realm and back again. It’s possible.”

For the first time, hope crossed the Tezerenee’s scarred visage. Dru wondered what he had gone through over in the other domain.


“It is.”

Drawing himself straight, Rendel managed

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