Legally Addicted - By Lena Dowling Page 0,55

had always found distasteful.

His father was self-made, from nothing. No-one had given him a hand-out, and once he became wealthy he didn’t give out something for nothing either, and Brad saw no reason to change the family policy on that.

Instead, his mother had set up the Spencer Charitable Trust to deal with all of that. Trust staff investigated each request to ensure it was genuine, and then it was assessed against criteria established when the trust was founded. Each appeal for money was then ranked. The amount of interest that had been earned on the trust assets each year determined the total amount that could be distributed. A threshold was drawn across the list of ranked requests at the level where the funds ran out. Those above it were funded and those below it were not. It was all very simple and clear cut. That way, the Spencers were never faced with the agonising choice between funding a lifesaving operation for one person, versus funding a prevention program that might save thousands.

Georgia had crossed the line asking him to intervene to subvert the trust processes. Worse than that, she had run out on him.

One time too many.

And just when he had thought they were starting to get somewhere.

He was monumentally pissed off, and pretty soon he would be monumentally pissed.

That’s what beer was for, and as usual Jeffrey had anticipated his every need by making sure that there was plenty of it.

He drained his stubbie and kept working on the ice bucket until he had dealt with each bottle, falling asleep where he lay in the lounger.

The squawking of crows and cockatoos from Sydney’s adjacent botanic gardens woke him as the sun came up. A feather doona had been laid out over him and a pillow had found its way under his head. From the warmth inside the atrium it seemed that Jeffrey had also ensured the heating stayed on all night. His papers had been returned to his briefcase and beside him, on the low outdoor table, was a carafe of water and selection of headache medication.

As usual, Jeffrey was the only person he could rely on. Georgia hadn’t come back to apologise or work things out, as he thought she might have once she had cooled down. He had given her a choice and she had walked out on him for the last time.

And what the hell had he been thinking, anyway? Georgia was no different to all the other women. In the end, just like them, she wanted something. A very big something — three million bucks of something.

As much as he hated to admit it, Georgia had only wanted him for what she could do for her.

When would he ever learn?

He poured a glass of water and, squinting against the pain, took two aspirin, then pulled out his mobile. First he called his secretary to let her know he would be in later than usual, and then he called Dayton.

‘John, have you signed that dissolution of partnership agreement?’

John hesitated. ‘I have, but I haven’t passed it on to Llewellyn yet. Why, what are you thinking, Bradley?’

‘I’m not going anywhere.’

‘Does this mean…?’

‘That’s right — as of now, there’s nothing going on between me and Georgia, so there’s no reason for me to leave the firm for her peace of mind. I’m staying put. If she doesn’t like it, then she knows what she can do.’

‘Roger and I would be very sorry to lose you from the partnership, Brad. Of course Georgia’s excellent, but she doesn’t have the same pulling power when it comes to the star clients, so I know I speak for both of us when I say that we’re more than happy to forget the dissolution of the partnership.’

‘Thanks, John. I appreciate it.’

‘What do you think Georgia will do?’

‘What she does is up to her, but my guess is that her career is far too important for her to leave. I’ll have no problem keeping it professional.’

‘I see. Well, I must say I’m relieved to hear that.’

Brad switched off his mobile before Dayton could say anything else. The last thing he needed right now was a post-mortem about what had happened between them.

He was about to struggle up out of the lounger when Jeffrey appeared with a tray of breakfast. He gulped down half a cup of coffee then grabbed a piece of the toast to eat en route to the shower. If he hurried, he could still get into the office and make his Copyright 2016 - 2024