Legally Addicted - By Lena Dowling Page 0,29


Well good.

He could feel some of what she felt; horny as hell, unquenched, and nearly driven to distraction.

She reached up to go for the band of his boxers again, and together with her other hand she pushed down on the elastic. He rolled off her, and pulling herself onto her knees, she peeled his underwear down his powerful legs and off his feet. He stretched back out on the bed and she took him in her mouth, sucking him until his eyelids half closed and his stomach contracted in short violent jerks. Sensing she couldn’t afford to push it any further, she positioned herself over him and pulled her nightdress over her head, throwing it on to the floor. He hoisted himself up against the pillows and drew her to him, taking a nipple in his mouth, sucking one to a peak, and then the other. Finding the heat and wetness converging at her core he slipped a finger inside her, and drawing it out, traced it across her skin before returning deep, again and again. She stifled a moan with the back of her hand and lowered herself down, desperate to meet him. But as soon as he brushed against her, two strong hands grabbed her by the hips in a firm hold, pinching roughly at her skin, pushing her up and off of him.


He pivoted away from her, reaching for the bedside cabinet then turned back with a small foil packet.

‘Put this on.’

She broke the seal and pulled the condom from the packet, examining it to ensure she had it the right way around, and then, with trembling hands, massaged it downwards until, obstructed by his impressive size, it stalled halfway. Unable to push it any further, he reached out to help her manage the rest.

She lifted one knee and placed herself above him again, lowering herself down, taking him in a little, releasing, and returning to take him in a little more, until he filled her. Catching her unawares, he held her up by the hips again, withdrawing sharply, and rolling her over on to her back, only to return deep and hard. With her head knocking against the slats of the headboard, he released her enough that she could wriggle down the bed.

‘Tell me what it was you wanted again,’ he said, between ragged breaths.

Swept away by the feeling radiating out from her core, she was silent; her mind displaced as her body became front and centre of everything.

‘Tell me.’

This time his voice came harsh and demanding.

She whispered in his ear, hoisting her legs up at the same time, curling her toes against his butt. In response he plunged urgently. She gasped, intense sensations hovering between pleasure and pain, ramming into her core. Then, just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he shifted position, grinding downwards, his warm skin raking over her clitoris, waves of excruciating pleasure pushing out to play on the surface of her skin. She clung to him, and he plunged with deep rhythmic thrusts, carrying her away until she cut loose with what she needed to say.

Hearing the obscene torrent of encouragement from Georgia’s sweet mouth was a hurricane gust, winding his passion up to cyclonic proportions. As Georgia moaned, flying to bits beneath him, Brad plunged deeper into the exquisite embrace of her body, pursuing his own pleasure until he exploded along with her.

‘That was lovely, thanks,’ Georgia said, after a decent recovery period, the obligatory requirement for post-coital sleep threatening to envelop him as he held her.

Lovely? That shook him out of his slumber.

‘I’d better go back to my own room.’

And she was leaving. Straight away?

‘You don’t have to go. I can check that the coast is clear in the morning, if you’re worried about one of the fogies catching you out.’

‘It’s hot. We’ll both get a better night’s sleep in separate beds.’

He ran a finger down her arm.

‘Don’t you want to talk about what this means, Georgia?’

‘Means?’ Georgia pushed herself up onto her elbow, her face contorted in horror. ‘It doesn’t mean anything. We had sex. No need to come over all melodramatic about it.’

Had he just said that out loud?

Holy hell.

He cringed.

‘Just checking this won’t have a negative impact on our working relationship, that’s all, but you’re right, it’s nothing we haven’t done before. I’m glad we’re on the same page,’ he said, recovering his manly pride.

Usually, if he took a woman into his bed, when the time came, it was a crowbar job to jemmy Copyright 2016 - 2024