Legally Addicted - By Lena Dowling Page 0,17

than not subsidised her and her loser boyfriends’ drug habits.

‘Money papers over some deep cracks. She’s got two kids and a lifestyle she wants to protect. I’ve never been able to understand why Pete does it. Cherie’s a stunner. But when all is said and done, Buckland’s a complete swine when it comes to women.’

Brad Spencer, with a reputation as something of a player himself, describing one with an equally colourful reputation as a pig? It seemed a bit hypocritical.

‘What about you?’ she said, before she stopped to think.

Brad’s expression turned serious and Georgia tensed, ready for a negative reaction.

But instead, he laughed, a musical chuckle that sent a flood of warmth up through her middle.

‘Well, I might be able to give Pete a run for his money in terms of numbers, but unlike Buckland I can only handle one woman at a time. Serial monogamy is more my style.

Brad and monogamy — a one-woman-man.

There was an image she didn’t need. She snapped the file closed and stood up, meaning to leave.

Where was this coming from? A moment ago she would have been prepared to swear that she had working with Brad under control, and now her involuntary reactions and the inappropriate thoughts popping into her head meant she wasn’t so sure.

‘Before you go, Georgia, there’s another thing. It wasn’t a total lie when I told Caro we’d be at my shack next weekend. I thought with the two of us both being new to the partnership, we should have an executive strategy session. You know, one of those corporate love-ins that are so fashionable these days. I was thinking we could break out of the office and make a weekend of it with an overnight at my place up the coast. I’ve already run it past Dayton and Llewellyn who thought it was a marvellous idea and want to bring their wives. You are welcome to bring a plus-one too, by the way.’

The words love-in and overnight brought the return of an odd sensation to her stomach for a few seconds, until it sagged inwards at the suggestion that she might like to bring a date.

What had she been thinking? Of course Brad would have moved on after their fling. By offering her the opportunity to bring someone along, he was leaving the field wide open for him to do likewise.

She registered a small but real disappointment.

Get it together, Georgia.

Even before she knew he had joined the firm she had never wanted Brad Spencer with his celebrity clients, penthouse apartment and diamond encrusted lifestyle. Sure he was good-looking; okay, he was extremely good-looking. There was no getting around it, the mere sight of him had the ability to significantly reduce the stability of her legs, but he was forbidden territory, and if he hadn’t been off limits with all his money and privilege before he entered the partnership, he definitely was now. Of course he would pursue other relationships, and if she knew what was good for her, she would keep her mind focused on her work.

At least the appearance of another woman on the scene would effectively shut down the nagging little voice that had been piping up to make dangerous suggestions ever since Caro suggested she was cultivating Brad to support the addiction centre.

Stop it.

Georgia forced her mind back to professional matters.

‘About the Walsh matter — I’ve got the feeling I’m not getting the full picture of Douglas’s business interests from his new solicitor.

Brad’s expression deepened, furrows forming across his forehead.

‘You know I can’t help you with that Georgia. Douglas might have fired me, but I still owe him a duty of confidentiality for information disclosed in the context of our solicitor-client relationship.’

Georgia resisted the urge to pout. Sure, Brad was constrained, but he could at least give her a clue.

‘But we act for Ruby now. Can’t you just give me a hint where his money is tied up?’

‘No buts, Georgia. Douglas is a hard-headed businessman and I’m sure he is quite capable of being obstructive. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has deliberately understated his assets, but you need to find another way to get that information.’

‘Okay.’ She said it grudgingly, but she was at least a little bit pleased that Brad had proved ethical, and beyond indulging in behaviour ‘unbecoming of a solicitor’.

Unbecoming behaviour. Don’t think about it.

Too late.

She grasped her top button and fanned herself with the top of her blouse.

Brad cocked an eyebrow.

‘Too warm in here?’

His lips turned up in a half smile Copyright 2016 - 2024