Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) - Shannon Messenger Page 0,88

as if to say, Who cares?

Sophie wanted to share that attitude.

But… she did care.

And telling herself she didn’t wasn’t going to change that.

Biana cleared her throat. “I know you’re probably getting sick of this conversation, but… I still haven’t asked my question.”

“You’re right,” Sophie said, sitting up to put a little space between her and Biana. She had a terrible feeling that she was about to get hit with a question about what the unmatchable thing meant for her and Fitz’s relationship, and since she still didn’t know for sure, having a small buffer seemed like a good idea.

But Biana placed her palm over Sophie’s gloved hand and asked, “Will you please let us help you with this? I know you’re going to say that it all has to be up to you since it’s such a personal thing—but our team will work best if you’re able to focus on being our leader. So why don’t you let us give you a hand?”

“Because there’s nothing for you to do,” Sophie insisted. “I’m sure we’ll have to test Lady Cadence the same way we’re going to test Bronte—and that needs to be done by me and an Empath.”

“Oh hi! In case you’ve forgotten, I’m an Empath,” Stina reminded her.

Sophie was still struggling to process the realization that Stina had technically just volunteered to help her with something she didn’t have to help her with, when Biana added, “And who said it has to be you for the other part?”

“Um… we’re searching for my biological parents.”

“Right, but anyone can confront them,” Biana argued. “In fact, I bet if it was one of us, we’d get a more telling reaction, since the person will be way more caught off guard. Just like I bet they’d be way less suspicious if one of us set up the meetings to ask the question. And then you could stay out of the whole thing and spend your time being the moonlark and Lady Fos-Boss—”

“And the Droolmonster,” Stina chimed in.

“If the Droolmonster part means she actually gets some sleep, I vote for that,” Dex added.

Wylie nodded, and Biana tightened her grip on Sophie’s hand. “I know it goes against everything your brain is telling you right now. But please let us handle this. I promise we’ll keep you updated on everything—and we’ll be careful!” she shouted over her shoulder to her bodyguard.

Woltzer shouted back something about how Biana better not even think about ditching him as Sophie stared at her pile of Panakes blossoms, tempted to punch it until the flowers were flattened.

The idea of anyone learning anything about her genetic parents before she did sounded pretty unbearable.

Then again, so did the idea of being there for the confrontations.

Basically, there was no way to not have it be awful—so which option would be the least stressful?

“Keep in mind that if I were in charge of this,” Biana added gently, “I’d already have a meeting set up with Bronte—and not because I think you’re slacking or anything. It’s just that reaching out to him isn’t a thing for me like it is for you.”

“How did you…?” Sophie started to ask, but her question trailed off when Biana smiled.

“Because you didn’t tell us what time you have a meeting scheduled for—and I know you would’ve if you had one arranged,” Biana told her. “And you also didn’t complain about Bronte being stubborn and not agreeing to meet yet. So I’m assuming that means you haven’t contacted him—and no judgment here. If I were in your position, I’d dread having to talk to him and stall doing it as long as I could. That’s why I want to help. I can save you from the hard parts—and get stuff taken care of faster. It’s a total win-win.”

Sophie snuck a glance at her teammates, and all four of them were nodding—as were all the bodyguards in the background—which made her eyes get that familiar burning feeling.

But she was not going to cry, so she cleared her throat and stood to pace. “Well, maybe we can give it a try—but only if turns out you guys have time. First we need to make sure we’re really focusing on all the big stuff this team was created for—which is what we’re supposed to be meeting about today, remember? I swear, this unmatchable thing is the worst distraction ever. Thank goodness everyone knows now, and I don’t have to have this horrible conversation again.”

“What about Linh?” Biana asked, killing the dream. “And Marella?”

Sophie paused

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