Legacy - By Denise Tompkins Page 0,50

tall as me, and it was a novelty to look a woman eye to eye. Her hair was a deep mahogany and fell to her diminutive waist. Her eyes were a shade or two lighter than Bahlin’s intense blue, and her skin was lightly tanned but completely unlined. Her voice was like rich cream, soft and decadent, and it held the softest hint of Scotland. She was ethereal, and I think I hated her a little bit for it.

“You, uh, know about Bay, uh, Bahlin?” I stuttered, trying to reign in my galloping heart and wheezing breath.

“‘Bay’? I like that. To answer you, yes I know very well about Bahlin.”

My hackles rose, and I found myself jealous of this unknown woman. Who was she to him? And why did he leave me with her? Before my brain could stop my mouth I said, “So you know him well. How well?”

She chuckled and said, “I think you may want to come inside. He has probably gone to feed and, in that case, he’ll be gone a while. Would you like a cup of tea?” She turned and walked back into the house, all grace and perfect form, her skirt swirling about her ankles, as if dragons coming and going and depositing strangers in the yard were simple everyday things.

Unsure what to do, I followed her. I had dropped my dagger sometime during the flight, likely after the shaking had taken over. So I was unarmed and alone. I didn’t like it. But if Bahlin thought this was a safe place, I had to trust him. After all, I had no one else. He and I were definitely going to have to talk about this.

The thatch-roofed house was much larger than it appeared from the outside. The front door opened directly into a large living room with an attached, open, eat-in kitchen. The stone hearth was huge, with a baking oven built in above the firebox. I looked around, appreciating the simple decor and the hand-scraped wood floors, the plush furniture and soft-colored walls. It was all so charming with a cohesiveness I’d never be able to achieve without hiring a decorator. I think I hated the house a little at that moment too.

My hostess walked down a long hallway and returned with an enormous sweatshirt. Handing it to me, she smiled and said, “It’s Bahlin’s. I’m sure he won’t mind if you borrow it.” Her manner was proprietary, and it made me even more uncomfortable. She grinned, her eyes flashing that icy blue then back to sapphire. Had it been the light? I accepted the sweatshirt and pulled it on slowly, enjoying the smell of Bahlin so close.

Realizing I didn’t even know the woman’s name I stuck out my hand.

“I’m Maddy.”

“I know.” She looked me over very carefully, her eyes cooling as I cuddled the sweatshirt a little. “You’re the Niteclif.”

“How did you—”

“Know? I knew well before you did.” She arched a brow at me and crossed her arms over her small, I really do hate her, chest.

“I’m sorry. Have I pissed you off somehow? Because I’m pretty sure I don’t know you well enough for you to be so catty.” I stared at her hard, my own eyes growing cold, as I rolled the sleeves up on the sweatshirt just in case this conversation came to blows. With the way my last few days had been, it wouldn’t come as a surprise.

“Oh no, I’m not pissed as you Americans say. I’m fine. But I have a strongly vested interest in Bahlin’s well-being, and I won’t have you come in here and…”

“And what?” I demanded, stepping closer to her.

“If he’s not told you, I don’t believe I will.”


“Leave it,” came a deep voice from behind me. I spun around, finding Bahlin coming through the front door wearing a pair of ratty sweats and nothing more. His torso was lean but well muscled with cobblestone abs included, the only hair a line from his belly button to his waistband.

“What the hell is it with everyone sneaking up on me around here?” I exclaimed, frustration lacing every word.

Bahlin laughed and walked to me with a hip-rolling swagger. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “I borrowed Aiden’s sweats from his gym bag, Brylanna. Tell him he needs to wash the damned things on occasion.” He looked down at me. “Has my Brylanna been kind, Maddy?”

“Define kind,” I said, standing stiff in his arms. What did he mean his Brylanna? He chuckled in

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