Legacy - By Denise Tompkins Page 0,41

about it. I had already begun to sense a difference in my thought process, more logical and less influenced by the ordinary. I knew, deep down, that my genealogy was true and that I was a descendant of the greatest sleuth of all time. The biggest shift was realizing he’d been real, not fiction. But I had to accept it. I’d gone from a mild-mannered, out of work copyeditor to a shot-up detective in a matter of days. Nothing like this happened to “normal” people, or mundies. I realized that there really was no backing out at this point.

“It’s okay, Bahlin. I don’t know if I believe this is my legacy, but it’s where I’m at and I’m responsible for it. It began five nights ago with my own wish, and I think it has too much momentum to stop it now. Affirm me so we can get on with this.” I felt a hand run down the back of my hair, and I turned my face toward Tarrek. He was like the night amid all this white stone and marble, though I knew he was a creature of light and life. But he looked so sad.

“I’m sorry, Madeleine. I would go back and stop this from being set in motion if I could.”

“No, Tarrek. No apologies, okay? My dad used to always say that you ended up where you were supposed to be. So I’m here. And it’s all right.” I bumped his shoulder with my forehead. “Besides, I’ll fake it ’til I make it, right?”

“Or until you are killed,” said Gretta.

Oh good. An optimist. I looked at her and said, “No need to be threatened by a mundane like me, Gretta. Not if you’re the real deal.”

She scowled. “The real deal? What do you think I am?”

“A witch.” Ah, so many connotations came to mind, but I actually meant the literal translation, even if I did say it with a little forcefulness.

Gretta’s smile was just as snarky as my response in that it held worlds unsaid. “Very good, little Niteclif. Very good. I suppose how we proceed depends on Bahlin, then.”

All eyes turned to him, and we waited. His gaze shifted to me and me alone. The amphitheater may as well have been empty.

In a voice resonating with leashed power, Bahlin’s voice rang out over the silent amphitheater. “I will defer to your word as law. I will accept your rulings to be fair and just.”

It was done.

Chapter Six

The room erupted in cheers, and I jumped like someone had stuck a cattle prod to my bare skin. Two people emerged from the crowd and began walking toward us. Male and female, they were tall, almost equally so. He was fair-skinned with hair to his waist, a slim yet muscular build and intelligent eyes. She was like the sun, hair of spun gold that hung to her knees, bronzed skin and tall, with few curves evident beneath her clothing. If not for her hair and her delicate features she could have been described as androgynous. The difference in their expressions, hers wary and his curious, was plain for everyone to see.

“Son,” said the man, “introduce us to the Niteclif.”

Tarrek inclined his head and then turned to me. “Madeleine Niteclif, allow me to present to you my father, Kelten, King of Faerie. And this is my mother, Gaitha, Queen of Faerie. Father, Mother, this is Madeleine.”

I didn’t know whether to shake hands, bow or curtsy, so I made a mixed attempt at a bow and curtsy and probably looked like I was having a mild seizure. But the introductions were made. So much for being cool, I thought, silently grinning at the absurdity of it all.

Kelten, his eyes on me, addressed the crowd in a strong voice. “Madeleine Niteclif has been affirmed. The High Council will meet here and discuss the murders. Maddox has been disavowed and will be killed on site for his involvement in the attempted murder of the Niteclif.” The room fell so silent you could have heard the proverbial pin drop. “The queen and I will remain for the High Council meeting and will share what information we may regarding Jossel’s disappearance and the murders to date. Return to your activities.” The room’s residents began to move quietly, with no more than a rustle of fabric as they made their way out the doors.

The king and queen took seats at the table. Tarrek and Bahlin both approached me to escort me to the table, which was

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