Legacy - By Denise Tompkins Page 0,31

said, “I’m not doing it to gain your affections, Maddy. I can’t help it. It’s an involuntary response when a male faerie finds someone he wants. And each male’s smell is different. It’s sexual in nature, nothing more.” He looked at me so intensely and said it all so calmly that I was even more flustered.

“I don’t get you guys,” I muttered. I had a moment of sudden comprehension, and I shrieked, “I’m in the sithen? How the hell did that happen? How long have I been here? Someone tell me what’s happened! Did I really get shot?!” I gasped the last, a full memory slamming into me nearly as hard as the projectile had.

Tarrek winced, no doubt at the decibel of my voice. “Maddy, relax—”

“Relax? How the hell am I supposed to relax when I’ve been shot by your driver.”

“Maddox? No, Maddy, he wouldn’t have done this. He’s served the royal family for generations. You’re mistaken.”

I forced myself to sit up, doing my best to breathe through the pain in my shoulder that movement brought. “Find him, Tarrek, and find him now.”

“Maddy, you’re wrong. Maddox wouldn’t do this.”

“I’m not wrong, Tarrek, and I’ll tell you why once I’ve interviewed Maddox.”

He got up and went to what appeared to be a mirror. He cast his hand across its face, and a mist filled it. Then there were images and Tarrek tapped the side of the mirror to change the images, apparently the faerie equivalent of channel surfing. His brows began to draw together, especially when he surveyed the exterior, because Bahlin was standing there and even I could tell he was pissed.

“Oh for the love of the goddess,” Tarrek muttered. “I’m not letting him in. He’ll have to stand out there and continue to wait.” He bent and drew a dagger from the inside of his boot, spinning it in his hands in agitation and silent threat.

I began shifting covers off of me, my movements fitful.

Hearing the rustle of cloth, Tarrek turned. “Maddy, stay down. You’re not supposed to get up for another day at the very least.” He abandoned the mirror and rushed over to me.

“Screw that,” I said through gritted teeth. “I need to see both of you, and you just indicated that he’d have to wait outside, so that’s where I’m going. We’ll talk there.” I was sweating bullets, no pun intended, the pain in my shoulder much more pronounced.

“You’ll be the death of me, and that’s something. He took small, halting steps away from me and then back, like he couldn’t decide whether to leave or make sure I didn’t get out of bed. “Fine. Fine. I’ll go get him.” He threw the dagger down with a thump on the small dresser. “So I don’t kill him,” he muttered, and he stomped off.

I slumped back into bed. This gave me some time to look around the room. It was well lit and bright in the same way the morning sun brightens a lightly curtained room, soft and glowing. This may not sound noteworthy but there were no windows and no lamps. The room seemed to generate its own light. The room appeared carved from the earth, with floors that were natural gray stone and the walls whitewashed. The furniture was all extremely large, but it fit the space perfectly. The bed was another high bed, requiring a stepstool to get into it. The headboard was maple, with a darker burl all through the wood. Everything in the room had an organic feel. Steps from the bed was a doorway that led into the bathroom. From the little I could see, it looked as opulent and modern as the one at the hotel. I realized then how grimy I felt and wondered how I might get a quick shower.

I heard muted voices and realized they were coming from the mirror. I looked over and saw that Tarrek and Bahlin were yelling at each other, gesticulating wildly and aggressively. I stared, fascinated. It was like a car wreck—you know you’re going to see carnage, but you can’t look away. Bahlin suddenly punched Tarrek in the face, rocking the other man’s head back far enough I instantly worried for his neck. Bahlin’s movements were so fast they were only a blur. Tarrek recovered and charged Bahlin, catching him around the ribs and taking him to the ground hard and fast, landing at least two solid blows to the ribs. The men pounded on each other as guards poured from

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