Legacy - By Denise Tompkins Page 0,122

castle on the hoof. Bahlin would follow in the air, watching for any dragon support Tarrek might have. I didn’t like it, but all the arguing in the world hadn’t changed anyone’s mind that this was the best option.

Leith departed with one final offer to take any of his wyvern with him, but other than four members—two males, two females—and Aiden, he left alone. Even Adelle stayed, despite his order that she accompany him. Little Adelle stood her ground, and I was impressed. A few changes were made after Leith departed since we were an odd number now, then we were good to go.

Bahlin packed us up and we were off, the wizard riding behind me on Bahlin’s back since it was easier to carry passengers astride than in his arms. He set down in a copse of mature trees just east of the castle. Lights were clearly burning in several of the downstairs windows.

“Take care, mo chrid, and I’ll be with you again in no time.” Bahlin took to the air and the wizard, a spritely little man named Henley, changed in front of my eyes. He was a gorgeous dapple gray, and he knelt to help me up on his back. I’d ridden for years as a child, and it really was like riding a bike. After a couple of false starts and one harsh reintroduction to the ground, we set off at a good pace toward the castle.

I felt it the minute we crossed the magical plane. Someone had set some type of wards around the house, and my wizard friend stumbled. I leapt to the ground just as he changed back to his human form, his robes strangely intact.

“He’s got magical folk inside,” Henley said, “though I cannot tell what flavor they are. His wards are strong. Could be fae, could be other witches or wizards, or it could be dragons. I’m just not sure.”

“No worries,” I said, putting a hand out to stop Henley. “Go back twenty paces and flag down a dragon. Make sure the others know about the wards before they get here. Maybe Hellion’s gang can do something to circumvent them.”

“Good idea,” he said and turned to head back without argument.

I wonder if I can train my dragon to do that. I smiled. But then he wouldn’t be Bahlin.

I approached the front door of the castle, astounded that they actually had traditional doors. I knocked, and it swung open ominously.

“A little overdone, Tarrek,” I called out.

“So you’ve found me out, little Niteclif,” his voice rang out. “Pray tell, what gave it away?”

“Seriously, who else could it have been? Remember, I come from a long line of sleuths. You didn’t stand much of a chance.” I looked around the barren entry hall, surprised at the detailed woodwork and the beautiful parquet floors. I was going to feel bad about destroying the castle.

“What have you done with Imeena?” I asked, taking a further step into the entry.

A sultry female voice chuckled and I was jerked around only to find her teeth pressed to my throat. “I thought you came from a long line of sleuths, Madeleine,” she said, scraping the skin just enough that it stung. Supernatural creatures of every flavor began coming out of the woodwork like roaches in the dark.

My heart thundered in my throat, ironically, just where she wanted it. “I thought you’d be part of the rescue mission, not one of the casualties,” I said with bravery I didn’t feel.

“Foolish little mortal. What did you think you were walking into?”

“I’ll answer that,” said Leith.

How many bad guys were there? I demanded of Tyr, knowing he could hear me.

“You should be able to,” I said, “since you were at the pep rally.”

He looked confused and I said, “Forget it. It’s an Americanism. This you’ll understand. How could you turn on your son?”

He strode across the floor, grabbed me from Imeena and slapped me twice in quick succession, my head rocking back. I tasted blood in my mouth and, feeling around with my tongue, felt a couple of loose teeth. I could feel panic beginning to build in the back of my throat and I worked to keep it held in check. If I reacted or screamed before the cavalry arrived, it would be a death-sentence for Bahlin who was circling close by in case of trouble. I was pretty sure this qualified, but I’d wait it out and try to keep Bahlin safe as long as I could.

Leith threw me across

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